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Download: ![]() ![]() Title: matkalla mustikkaan Filename: |
Posted Sat 29th Jun 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
This is one nice and cute tune. Sadly, its missing 2 important sections, the introduction and the end, however the psevdo ending is connected with the beginning.Its also only 36 seconds long. The theme itself is very nice...and cute. The percusions are quite good, dont stand out too much or too little, and are giving a good sence of rythm. The bass is very low and deep, creating a good basis for the melody which is quite awesome i might say. Its never gets boring, i'm listening to it already for more than 20 minutes and its not getting on my nervs. This one could be a hot number if it was taken more seriously by the artist. Technically its very good, at least the 6 patterns i heared. The artist used vibrao and arpeggio for the melody synth, giving it a more beautiful and unique voice. Only 4 samples were used, and though all of them are 8 bit they sound and fit great together. Also, only 4 channles were used in complex pattern structures, that requiers some good technical skills. Very much recommended, its far from being perfect ofcourse, yet its very nice, and catchy. I assure you, you'll be singing the melody after 1 minute or less. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: matchinsix Filename: matchinsix.mod |
Posted Sat 29th Jun 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
This is just an average song. The 2 main reasons its average are: The theme ,its the famouse C->A->F->G, is threshed and well overused. The second reason is the average preformance. Theres nothign exciting about this tune, though there are many leading samples and solos throuhgout the entire piece, it gets boring very quickly. Two things that arent ordinary about this song is the introduction and the end. The introduction seems to be "out of town". I mean it has nothing to do with the whole track, its nice but i fail to recognize the musical connection. About the end, The fact there is an end is already a refreshing change. Also, the ending is quite surprising, not what i expected (not a fadeout), thus i belive its the best part of the song. Average in music, also average in tech. Technically i found nothing of an interest in this piece. There are no sound effects, no volume control, nothing. On second thought, this track doesnt need special sound effects, however volume control could be nice because some leading samples are too loud, clouding the theme. The samples are blending fair enough, ofcourse they all are 8 bit quality. Its a bit repeative and tiresome you might say, since the theme doesnt change anywhere. Just average. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: masterservant Filename: mastserv.mod |
Posted Sat 29th Jun 2002
Rated 1 / 10 |
hmmm, that sounds familiar, i remember this piece as if i reviewd it 2 minutes ago...wait, i did review this 2 minutes ago. This is the exact, identical, twin brother of the mod called mastserv.mod. If there are any changes made in this track they are of a microscopic nature and i cant detect them. mastserv.mod is a good tune though, i suggest you check it out. If you still reading this, you payed little attention for my words above. I refuse to say more, just read the upper paragraph again. If you still have any questions, feel free to keep them for yourself....................................::whistling:: |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: masterservant Filename: mastserv.mod |
Posted Sat 29th Jun 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
This is one special track. It has a rude and crude sound to it, that actually is apropriate for this piece, creating its unique electronic atmosphere. On top of the bass and the percusions the artist put a leading synth, which seems to be at first too loud, but i got used to it fast enough, and even strated enjoying this. Too bad theres no ending, could be a more notabale and complete track. Yet, its nothing i heared before of the kind, very special, i recommend you spare a few seconds to download it. As expected, low quality samples, but the artist did a good job combining them together to creat a one of a kind electronic enviroment. Though anykind of technical skills are not shown, the track soudns good, and i dont think any sound effects could improve it.Overall, its good, ending would be nice, but hey, you cant get it all. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: master alien Filename: master_alien.mod |
Posted Sat 29th Jun 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
This is not one track an assembly of 3. There are 3 themes in this piece, all 3 themes have very little incommon. The transtions parts that connect the 3 themes are either not excistant, or very very short and meaningless. All 3 themes are fairly ok each on its own, specially the second. Its a slow lovely and peacefull part, however it defently doesnt belong to this song, unless the composer wanted to describe a peacefull master of aliens, who enjoys dancing slow. Samples are ok, their not spectacular, specailly not in quality, but they sound fairly well. The artist could use some more sound effects to give the music more life and energy, some volume settings here and there is not enough. The main big flaw about this track is the lack of musical connectors. It really does sound like 3 short tunes put one after another. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: masters of power Filename: masters.mod |
Posted Sat 29th Jun 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
This tune is quite wierd. The melody itself is fine and sometimes even nice, however there are wierd and senceless ( in musical point of view) parts, for example: pattern number 5. The beat is steady throught the whole piece, with some "attempts" for a breakbeat which unfortantly i must sort as pathetic. The samples dont fit together so well, the artist made them work, however it wouldnt be my natural selection. Most of the tracks i reviewed so far suffered from lack of ending of anykind, i hoped this one will be different, but sadly my wish didnt come true. Moreover, the last pattern and the beggining dont connect at all, it sounds as if someone cut the track in the middle. This song , however, should and will get credit for the unique atmosphere it creates, using some wierd combination of samples and sound effects. Samples are 8 bit quality, and they dont go well together. The only sound effect used in this piece is the portemanto up effect, together with sample number 11, a synth, creates a unique sound which contributes much to the atmosphere in the song. The song structure is preety much simple and unsoffisticated. Thats about it, might be worth a download due to the unique atmosphere. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: master of clones Filename: masterof.mod |
Posted Fri 28th Jun 2002
Rated 3 / 10 |
Not much i can say about this track. Theres no introduction, the track just starts playing, together with the lead instrument, in this case a dirt guitar. The atmosphere created is of industrial, dark character.The drum and the bass lines are quite good and well executed. The musical theme is wide and interesting, spreading on the entire piece, sadly, the entire piece is only 58.5 seconds. Again, it seems to be another unfinished track made by unknown artist because of both, the short length of it, and the lack of ending to this song. It has a potential, and could be a decent tune, sadly, its just a waste of a good idea. The samples blend fairly well together though they have a harsh and unclean background. The artist used vibrato and tone slide down effects to the guitar solo, and i must say in a good way. The effects really does make a difference, making the solo sound better and meaningfull. Though the percusions are nice, sometimes they stand out too much, getting irriating and distracting. Nothing more to cover in this front, just too bad its unfinished. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Massive Energy (PD) Filename: massnrj.xm |
Posted Fri 28th Jun 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
This track has one main theme to it, with a few variations. However, this is acceptable in this kind of music, club tracks dont have to be diverst to be good, and this one is very good. The introduction presents the theme, quiet at first, but gradually increasing volume. Some very nice strings are than added, and soon to follow is the beat. Theres a quiet part in the middle, consiting of the beat and strings we heard in the first part. The track ends in the same way it started, in a fadeout, closing the musical circle, i liked that. A few things i didnt like: between each part theres a transition part, in which all the instrument go silent, and a voice says "This should be played in high volume". What i didnt like is that the silent moment is too long. Also in pattern 38, theres a breakbeat in the percusions preceding the transtion part, the breakbeat is very good, however its ridiculously loud. One more thing, though ending the song in a fadeout was a good idea, the fadeout is way too fast. A more smoother and steady fadeout, spreading upon , i dont know.. 2-4 patterns at least instead of one, would be more appropraite. Very good track as a whole, highly recommended. Very good selection of samples. Though most of them are 8 bit quality, they still sound very good together. The pattern structure is intense and very complicated, suggesting the composer is quite a professional tracker. Much effort was put into this, the artist spared no means to make this song sound good and exciting, though theres only 4 chords repeating themselfs. Also, very good panning settings were used in the song, creating a more profound sound and atmosphere. Technically i have no complaints, except the percusion i noticed before in pattern 38, its really just a redundant mistake. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: MASH YOUR HEAD (KSM) Filename: mash.s3m |
Posted Fri 28th Jun 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
Mataforic introduction with sound effects such as opening door, blowing wind, moaning of pain and an evil laugh. Next, the song offers a fast beat, which at first is accomplish by one drum loop, a quite famouse drum loop i belive, not the artists work. However, then the artist adds some of his percusion which serve the song well. The next main thing about this song is the trash guitars. It starts along with the percusion, with some typical and expected metal chords, however it gets more interesting as the song progresses, with some fast plucking. There is an end to this song, yet i cant say its really a musical end because musically the song doenst reach any conlcusion, it just plays the sound effects heared at the inroduction. The samples belong to one another, creating the noisy atmosphere which is typical in this kind of tracks, but in some parts the trash guitar is too loud and distracting. Basically, its good for this kind of music though slitely repeative. Recommended if you're a fan. All samples used are 8 bit, however they work fairly well together. The trash guitar is noisy and dirty, but i guess it supposed to be. The plucking in patterns 15-16, accomplished by note cuts, is notable. Some sound effects were used, especially note slide up and note slide down, but most of them are unnoticed and i think the track would sound the same without them. More carefull attention on the volume part could avoid the very loud and distracting moments of the track. The panning settings are not so good, the guitars are concentrated on the left side, which makes them sound dim, and gives the whole piece a "dead" sound. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: mash Filename: mash.mod |
Posted Fri 28th Jun 2002
Rated 4 / 10 |
First thing i noticed about this song, that it has only 6 patterns, and its 40 seconds long. Some nice melodies, however you dont get the chanse to enjoy them because they change too quickly. The musical chords are arranged in peculiar way, you never hear what you expect, and thats good, keeps the listener entertained. The atmosphere created in this song is rather joyed and peacefull. The ending is simple and uncreative, just ends in chord that doesnt even sound complete. Samples are 8 bit, and there are only 4 of them. No effects of anykind whatsoever, i mean nothing, not even a simple volume adjustment, and he could use some for a better musical expression. Thats about all i can say techincally about this song, nothing to see here. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: magic_potion? Filename: magicpo.s3m |
Posted Thu 27th Jun 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
This track starts with a slow introduction, excuted by a high flute sample. Then, a fast and steady beat starts and remains till the rest of song. The next flute solos, thats a differnt flute, are very nice and dramatic, especially pattern #12. The flute though seems to be just a bit out of tune. The musical theme is quite expanded, and is able to keep the listener captive in the music. The samples blend good together, creating a natural feeling to the song. Regretfully, this track ends in a sudden way, as if the artist didnt finish it. A nice tune, not amazing, however pattern 12 is highly recommended, it rocks. Very little can be said on this part of the review. Samples are not good, the artist managed to arrnage them in a good way, but each in its own is quite bad. Almost no effects of any kind were used, besides a tempo change in the beginning and pitch slide down at the end. Again, i must note pattern 12, its not geniously written or technically perfect, but it has a very nice and cute sound to it. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: magic-music2 Filename: magicmus2.mod |
Posted Thu 27th Jun 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
The best way to describe this song is that its crazy. I'm almost sure its some kind of demo music, yet it carries musical marks from many genres. Theres even something resembles eastern music in it. Its unique, interesting and quite short, only 51 seconds. The samples are ok, working good together. As most demo songs, this one loops too, yet i dont see this as a big mistake made by the composer, since i cant imagine how this wierd piece can end :) One of a kind, i doubt theres another one like it. The artist knows what he's doing. Many sound effects were used, creating that bizzare atmosphere of the song. Patterns structure is very complexed, never remains the same, never gets boring. The technical side is defently good, cant have any complaints here, besides the samples, that as always are bad. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: MAGNETICFIELDSV Filename: magflds5.mod |
Posted Thu 27th Jun 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
This track is soooooo happy, which is ok, yet sometimes it gets too happy, along with the happines heared before. The drums and the bass are well written, resembles circus music, keeping the happy atmosphere alive. Not much of musical variation, after a while the theme starts to be irriatating and boring. The ending is clear and clean, though a bit sudden. Recommended if you're in a good mood. Cant really say much here. The artist uses some volume and temp effecs and a few sound effects, which dont contribute much to the song. Samples are of low quality, and some of them are out of tune. The pattern arrangment is simetric and simple, and somewhat repeative. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: magnetic fields IV Filename: magfiel4.mod |
Posted Thu 27th Jun 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
The intorduction starts with some percusion and bass lines, which remains for the rest of the song, which is quite long. The musical theme is large and consists of many nice chords, yet it has a monotonous sound to it, maybe becoz of the bass and drums that never changes. The melodies are lovely and the mood created is quite sad. Some samples sometimes are too loud, e.g: The bass in patterns 14-17. It ends in a fadeout, a bit too quicky to my belief. Important to say that this is not the artist own creation, he just converted it. The original music is by jean michel jarre. Not bad, considering its over 13 years old, so you might want to add this to your antiques. The artist knows how to set and change volume settings , and to use a few sound effects. The patterns structure seems to be , most of the time, quite simple. Also, the percusion and bass arrangment never changes, which causes it to become boring after 2 minutes or so. The samples are of low quality (daaa) , yet they fit and sound fair enough together. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Dark Impulse Filename: |
Posted Thu 27th Jun 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
Very good track, contains both various musical materials and technical skills. The atmosphere created in this piece is rather tragic and mysterious. Good percusion line and base parts grants a steady and solid basis for many soloists. Its very long, 6:40, which is good for this kind of music, with an ending, which sounds a bit uncertain. The flute seems to be a little out of tune, also some parts sounds too empty, a bit more "meat" to cover them would be great. Besdies that, its a very nice track which i enjoyed alot. Good panning creates a more beautifull harmony and echo. Very good volume control, which gives this piece realistic and unique sound. Samples dont sound great, and they are of a low quality as well. More use of sound effects could also improve, or make the samples sound less harsh. Never the less, its a good track. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: my wolf 2 Filename: mywolf2.mod |
Posted Tue 25th Jun 2002
Rated 9 / 10 |
An excellent track, with various musical themes well connected by clean transition parts. Samples blend very well together, creating quite happy and peacefull atmosphere, though some parts are more mysterious and uneasy. Also, i liked the bass line very much, its very well preformed. The ending is quite plain, yet appropriate and well excuted. The only reason i didnt give this a 10, is because in some places the beat stands out too much and getting a little irritating. Besides that, its musically excellent. Defently worth the download. All samples are 8 bit quality, but that is not even worth a notice since its rare to find a mod file with good sample quality. Besides, as i said the samples sound good together and the artist compensated the quality for the use of lots of sound, volume and tempo effects. The use of 4 channels is difficult and confining, yet the artist managed to cross that obstacle, creating technically an excellent piece with a full sound to it. A job well done. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Ricky is Dead - Hoor Filename: mw_dead.s3m |
Posted Tue 25th Jun 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
The main theme in this one consists of 4 chords, creating a rather "happy" atmosphere which remains for the rest of the song while some background sounds and beat are added. This song is 1:20 minutes long, so it doesnt gets boring because theres just not enough time. The solo, which starts in pattern 3, played by a flute and for a while is rather nice, but then it gets a bit misharmonic with the rest of the song. The drums and bass line is good, creating a solid and clear basis for the song.Sadly, this track has no ending. It looks as if the artist simply didnt finish it. Technically this track is okay, meaning the artist showed some technical capabilties like: panning settings, volume control. The patterns seems to be rather simplistic. All samples are 8 bit, yet they sound good enough. A few sound effects to the flute solo could make this a more interesting piece. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Cascade Filename: |
Posted Tue 25th Jun 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
This is the artists first work, therefor its obvious its not amazing, however its not a disaster either. The melody is a bit wierd for my taste and is preformed by one sample, which gets well-worn after a few seconds. Its also quite repeative and annoying. Sadly, the tracks length is only 1 minute long, in which theres not enough time to develope the musical theme. The percusion part is not bad, and quite intresting and rich. This track has an ending!!! Its not a very successful one yet its unique and clear, unlike many other artists who just too lazy i guess to write endings. Not a bad start for a newbie, looking forward to see his more recent works. Well, not much on this area. Surprisingly, most samples are of a good quality, but thats all. Besides volume slide down in the end, no other sound effects were used. No volume control or tempo adjustments. The patterns structure is simple and novice. Ofcourse, thats all understandable since its his first work. Worth a download if you want to compare your first track to this one. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Life must go on Filename: mustgoon.xm |
Posted Mon 24th Jun 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
This track starts with some piano broken chords. Being the base of the whole musical structure it will accompany the track until the end. On top of that base the artist added some strings, drums and piano melody. The track is rather diversed, though getting boring and threshed as the song continues, repeating the same musical themes heared before. The samples blend together quite nicly. They dont cloud each other, however, some volume adujstments during the song would of helped seperate the less important moments in the music from the musical peaks. The way it is , it just all sounds the same and in some moment the listenner will lose interest. Low quality samples. Not a simple pattern structure, yet nothing very complicated. Almost no effects were used, except tempo effects. The panning though is very advanced, and grants the song a better sound and depth feeling. One of the reasons this song gets boring and unexciting is that all parts sound the same, because of a not efficient enough volume control, or more like no volume control. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Seen The Light Filename: |
Posted Mon 24th Jun 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
Preety nice musical theme, introduced right at the beginning, the middle and the end. What i mean is that this is yet another "one pattern" kind of track. The main ( and only ) theme is rather nice, but the composer probobly though it was great and decided that no other musical parts are required...well, he was wrong. This song gets worn and irritating quite fast since all you hear in the 2 minutes the track plays is the same 3 chords and the piano solo, with some minor changes in the background and the bass line. Moreover, and this really makes me angry, this track has no proper ending, theres just one pattern with only the piano solo and that pattern brings us back to the beginning. 8 bit quality samples placed in a simple and basic pattern structure. Besides volume alterations and panning settings, no other technical capablities were shown. The pattern arrangment is very repeative and boring - some patterns loop 4 times. Thats about it, cant say more. No real effort was put into this, and it shows. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: rorriM ehT dniheB Filename: mtb.xm |
Posted Mon 24th Jun 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
Mysterious beginning, followed by a rythmic and melodic part. Most of the samples fit and sound good together, though some drum samples stand out too much.Getting a bit boring and repeative in the last 2 minutes. The track ends in a global fadeout which actually seems to be the best possible ending. It has a very good sound to it, however a little more diversity could improve it. Most samples are of 8 bit quality, but most of them sound very good. Many sound effects were used in the right manner, compensating the samples quality. Pattern structure is quite complex, and well arranged. A bit more attention on the musical side could make this an excellent track. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Wave Input Filename: mp-wvinp.xm |
Posted Sun 23rd Jun 2002
Rated 3 / 10 |
Obviously, very little thought was put into it. I cant find here any kind of known to man musical structure. Its just lots of random notes, tapping, percusiion and other strange things. No basses, no strings, no nothing. Ofcourse a melody would be too much to ask for. Its also very long and meeningless. A waste of time. Yeah, i wish. Good quality samples, sadly they are not put to good use. No effects of any kind, no suffisticated techniques, just lots of lots of tapping and random notes. I cant even find an appropriate genre to describe it. Only one word comes to mind...Experimental. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: mongolia Filename: mongolia.mod |
Posted Sat 22nd Jun 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
very nice track with some beautiful peacefull melodies. The drums combination which started at pattern 1 are great, i really enjoyed those. Theres a real atmposphere of mongolia and that region of the far east. It uses that famouse flute sample that i think every tracker in a certain phase of his tracking career used. The flute ofcourse contributes much to the atmosphere in the song. The piano solo though is preety lame, just some random notes of the scale, some piano chords could be a more suitable choise. The main theme remains throughout the entire piece, and that could be alright if it wasnt so long- 7 minutes. Very nice track with real atmosphere and feeling of the place. Nothing to see here, no technical wanders. The artist knows the basic stuff such as tempo settings and volume adjustments, nothing more. Samples are 8 bit but i think we can all forgive him for that since its from 94-95. Though it belongs to the musical sections, the way the composer uses the drums to creat that awesome combination is notable. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: utter treachery! Filename: module3.xm |
Posted Sat 22nd Jun 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
This piece starts in a quiet manner, with a leading bass sample acompanied by a high string. Some background bells are added with a nice flute solo. The next 8 patterns are faster yet repeative. They look preety much similar to each other except a few changes and supplementles. This was the first part, and it ends in a global fadeout. Then starts the second part, which takes a more dramatic approach, with a march like beat. The second part is 4 patterns and they too end in a total fadeout. Then we have another 4 patterns as the 8 mentioned above. These patterns seem to be chorus of the song, a nice idea and they do connect the 2 parts together. The track ends as it begun. Some major flaws made in this one: the guitar sample should be replaced, it sounds horrible and it doesnt belong to this kind of music, also, most samples dont work and sound well together. An average song with some nice musical ideas, nothing more. Although some samples used are 16 bit quality, most samples dont blend so good together. The structure of the song is quite basic and novice. No sound effects were used here, only volume adjustments and tempo settings. Not a masterpiece, yet not a disaster, just average. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: QuickMan by NESMusa Filename: mman2_q.s3m |
Posted Sat 22nd Jun 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
It have to admit, this track has more than i first expected. No introduction, it starts right away with the main theme which as written above is game or demo music in a happy or cheerfull mood. The speed is insane, and the patterns just fly-by, yet it sounds quite alright. Some weird background sounds provide the beat line. Its set to loop, yet one cycle is only 46 seconds long. Cute little thing. The insane speed indicates of some good technical capabilities. Also, a fact that supports that theory is that only 3 samples were used and only 4 channels, yet it has quite a full sound to it. Lots of sound effects, lots of Volume alterations. Quite a complex pattern structure. Download if you like that kind of stuff, or if you want to challange yourself to see if you can follow the patterns... |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Misiki Theme Filename: misiki.s3m |
Posted Sat 22nd Jun 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
Musically, this track has almost everything to get a very high grade, like 9 or maybe even 9.5 . It starts with a set of good drums in a fast and thrilling speed. Soon to follow are the basses and low strings, creating a noble atmosphere, like something out of a war movie. Then we got a cool solo made by a somekind of trumpet-synth, this whole time i was still very much captive by the music, until a second synth , thats was slightly out of tune, had his own short solo. This is really sad the artist didnt notice that, because it just spoiled the moment. The song continues with some nice chords, that expands the central theme, keeping the same speed all the way to the end, which unfortently brings us back to pattern 3. The artist did wrote an end and did add it to the pattern list play, however, the list will never reach that pattern and so the music goes on and on. Yet, the theme is very beautiful, very noble and i just cant get enough of this. Very much recomended for those who couldnt care less about the technical issues. Though musically almost excellent, the technical side is lightyears of being perfect and brings the whole thing down. Starting with samples- they sound bad. Not only they are of a low quality, they dont fit together very well. The trumpet-synths should have been replaced, even the tuned one, they just dont belong. Besides some volume settings, no sound effects were used. You will be surprised what a few carefully designed note slides or vibratos can do. Thankfully, all the channels are diverted to left or right, it would sound much worse if they all were concentrated in the middle. I suggest the composer would release a better quality version of this cool track, it just a shame to see such a beautifull creation goes down just becouse of lack in experience. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: A Happy Journey Filename: mikke-journey.xm |
Posted Sat 22nd Jun 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
Another "one pattern repeating itself" kind of track. The melody and the background given in the introduction remains for the rest of the song, while other layers are being put on top of it as the song advances. Though this was common in the baroque era, i sure would like to think we have evolved since. Theres a strange part in the middle that suggests a new and interesting idea. The transition to this part is done quite well yet the choise of samples for it is terrible, specially the noisy guitars that are also a bit out of tune. The new part ends after 2 patterns, which is way too quick for my taste and left me wondering if it ever existed. Would be a good idea to expand on that section a little before returning to the main part. This track has a clear and obvious ending, for which i feel obligated to take into considiration since endings are rare, at least in the tracks i reviewed so far. Not a bad track as a whole, just too monotonous. The composer is aware of the bad quality of the samples as he noticed this himslef in the comments area. He used some glisando and note slides effects, and used them preety good in the right time in the right place. Sound dispersal techniques are being used which gives the drums line a better preformance. The main idea and theme of the track are made fairly well, unfortenatly i cant say the same for the short new part which achieved by 2 noisy and out of tune guitars and a set of drums, arranged in a very simple and unsufisticated manner. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: midnight at noon Filename: miatnoon.mod |
Posted Sat 22nd Jun 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
Just an average track of its kind, nothing amazing. It starts slow, with a preety nice introduction of synths and bass, picking up speed fast. Soon enough, a few heavy, clumsy drums are added that serve the atmosphere well...and thats it. Nothing happens from there, it just cycles and repeats the main idea for a few times with a minor changes here and there. The lead synth is too loud to my opinion and clouds the other samples involved. The basses and drums are ok, though the drums patterns remains the same. Can be worth a download for those who enjoy this type of music. As in most *.mod mods the samples are of low quality, however they do sound good together and are able to establish the mood and the atmosphere desired. The composer used some tempo effects in the introduction and some volume alterations. Other than that, no technical capabilities were shown. Again, i must protest against the awfully loud synth, it just ruines the tune, setting its global volume to HALF would have helped. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Ex Gratia Filename: |
Posted Sat 22nd Jun 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
Very nice piece, consisting of a regular base line that changes a few times during the play with lovely piano and guitar melodies. Its calm and peacefull, with a steady average beat. A little more diversity would have improved this song, also in some places the piano solo becomes threshed. Sadly, this tune doesnt end, instead it loops forever. Though in some tracks this is alright, a peacefull clam ending would be appropriate. Deffently worth the download, just sit back and relax... My main complain are the bad quality samples, it would sound alot better with some good new piano and string instruments. The drum and base line arrangment is constant, and becomes well worn, so a few changes there would freshen it up. The artist emphasized the leading sounds by volume adjustments, creating a rather realistic and better preformed soloists. The sound dispersion is quite alright, set to surround it grants the track its depth feeling. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Metropolis Filename: metrop1.mod |
Posted Fri 21st Jun 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
Heavy, dark and threatning piece, achieved by a set of low heavy basses and a bunch of industrial drums. It has a nice dramatic sound to it, and provides much intrest, at least at the begginning. It is 5 minutes long, which usually is fine for this kind of music, unfortenatly, it fails to lead somewhere. As it begun, the same way it ends, nothing happens in these 5 minutes. Soon enough, the dramtic environment turns tedious and unexciting. Also, theres no dominant melodic line. Not a bad track of its kind, could be alot better though. Samples ofcourse are 8 bit quality since its an old piece, but they do manage to sound quite right together, creating the dark and threatning atmosphere. This whole track is using a kind of an echo form, achieved by volume adjustments in every row. The pattern structure is quite good, and could support a nice melody, which unfortenatly is missing. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: me is person Filename: meisper.xm |
Posted Fri 21st Jun 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
This is a nice track with good rythm and good melodies. The atmosphere is very dramatic and mysterious, keeping the listenner in intrest throughout the whole track. The samples used work great together, specially the guitars, creating a somewhat western touch. There is no much diversity in the melodic line but the different parts are well connected, making this a fast and smooth track. The length of this song is 3 minutes, which to my opinion is a bit too short, and the ending is not clear enough, it just ends suddenly without any warning or preperations. Yet, it got lots of energy to it and deffently worth the download, check it out. All the samples used are 8 bit quality, yet the composer did whatever he could to compensate using lots of sound effects in the right places, making the samples sound great together as if they were born for this track. Very complexed pattern structure, very proffesional, very impressive. I was surprised though to see there were almost no panning used, most of samples are just concentrated in the middle. It would sound better with a more efficient sound dispersion. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: McKellar Filename: |
Posted Fri 21st Jun 2002
Rated 3 / 10 |
This is one of the most monotonous, boring piece of music i ever heared. The artist created only 7 patterns, in which the melody and the chords remains the same, and arranged them in a way that the whole track length is 4 minutes and change. Some patterns contains only the melody, some contains the melody with drums, and some contains the melody with more drums. No diversity whatsoever, its like hearing the same pattern for 4 minutes (and change)...after a while , the guitar chords threaten to poke a hole in my skull. Except minor volume changes here and there, the artist didnt use any kind of effects. Most of the samples are 8 bit. ALthough they do sound ok, they just dont seem to fit very well together. The patterns structure is not complexed, and there are evidence that the composer just used copy and paste to complete the other patterns. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Massage Parlor Filename: massage.mod |
Posted Fri 21st Jun 2002
Rated 3 / 10 |
This is not a good piece, actually its bad. My first (and second and third) impression of this song is a band consisting of 6 year old players which dont know how to tune up their instruments. There are lots of misharmonics, and the background samples are too loud. The melody is monotonous and repeative. There is a quiet part in the middle for which i'm gratefull because it allowed my ears to rest before the "band" started playing again... stay away from this one, unless you enjoy creepy sounds. The artist used many note slides in various places throughout the track, however, they did more demage than good. Most of the note slides were the reason for the misharmonics, the others didnt make it any better. Some volume and speed adjustments were made during the song, nothing spectacular. The pattern structure is very simple and simetric and boring. My guess is this is someones first or one of the firsts attempts to compose music. I hope he has improved since... |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: magical towers ii Filename: magical.mod |
Posted Thu 20th Jun 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
This piece starts in a slow tempo, with some unique background sounds. high bell sample provids the solo, that creates a unique/alien atmosphere. in the third pattern, the song's picking up some speed, while the solo and the background fading out, creating an interesting transtion to a more fast, more exciting part. Some parts are getting repeative and thats too bad, cause the artist could create something new in this weird, "magical" atmosphere.Also, in some parts the solo bells stand out too much and getting irritating. in the end , the song returns to its previous speed. there is no clear ending to it, however, if you set your player to replay the song as soon as it is finished you will see that the end and the begginning are musically connected and that the artist intended this track to loop without end. All the samples used in this song are 8 bit, however, that should not be taken as the artist's fault as it is most likely this song is more then 10 years old, besides, the samples sounds ok, though they are weird, they fit together quite well. The artist used some speed effects and volume slides, creating intresting transition parts.furthermore,Some basic panning techinques were used for left and right. also, the artist should get credit for the idea of connecting the ending and the beggining so you play it again as soon as it is finished it sounds as if the song continues on and on. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: When Love Dies Filename: |
Posted Thu 20th Jun 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
The track starts with a good combination of drums, creating a dark, march atmosphere. The first 4 patterns sounds almost exactly the same. in the next patterns, along with the drums is added a low string that provides a basic but nice melody. then, there are 2 patterns that sound exactly as the 4 in the begginning except a string fadeout in pattern 9. The next 2 patterns provide some background sounds that fit quite well with the melody. but then, again 2 more patterns like the first 4. the next 2 patterns, are almost completely empty, maybe the artist was going to put something there but forgot.... The last patterns sounds much better. The drums and the strings remains, but a nice piano solo is put on top of them along with the background sounds i noticed earlier, however, this pattern loops 4 times. There is no clear ending to this song, as if the artist didnt finish it. In conclusion, This song has a nice melody and all the samples fit very well together, but the main downside of this track is that it is very repeative, so the listenner will get bored towards the end that actually doesnt exist. Most of the smaples used in this song are 8 bit, however they sound quite ok, with no harsh endings or misharmonics. The artist didnt use any kind of effects, however, i dont considere it to be a major flaw, since all the samples blend very well together . |
Title: Nothing Else Matters
Filename: matters.mod
Rated 6 / 10