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Title:! Filename: life.mod |
Posted Sun 2nd Dec 2007
Rated 3 / 10 |
It's a bit elevator music. That's a really depressing take on 'life' if you think about it, and more accurate than I think I want to admit. 43.5 secs. Not bad for a 21K 4-track, and loops OK. There's very little wrong with it technically, particularly given the short length, but it's not a track that bears repeated listening. 3. |
Title: more than meets the mind Filename: k_mind.s3m |
Posted Sun 2nd Dec 2007
Rated 7 / 10 |
It's not the best, but I think this track has that intangible something that puts it ahead of the pack. There are a number of holes you could pick in the technique, and while the samples are better than many, they're not the best. I feel if the artist revisited it he/she could do a significantly better job. In spite of all that there's enough creativity and variety here to sustain a longish track (5m45) without being boring. 7. |
Title: kugghjul Filename: kugghjul.xm |
Posted Sun 2nd Dec 2007
Rated 2 / 10 |
Unmelodic chip track. Sounds like some semi-random hammering on the keyboard that's been partly cleaned up and turned into a mod. Seeing as the track name is kugghjul, this shouldn't be much of a surprise; even its name just looks like keyboard-hammering. 2-3. Why anyone bothered uploading it, I cannot fathom. |
Title: Kid Chaos Level 2-1 Filename: kid_chaos_level_2-1.mod |
Posted Sun 2nd Dec 2007
Rated 3 / 10 |
I assume this is ripped from a game. It's a reasonably professionally-done background music piece, but it doesn't stand particularly well as an isolated composition. 3-4, maybe a bit more if you're in the mood for it, or are a fan of the game. Track has a couple of pauses in it; I assume within the game there's code to jump to certain sections of track depending on what events the player has triggered. This is just odd if you're listening to the thing as a stand-alone track; you get these funny awkward pauses. |
Title: Sami Filename: kaizsu_-_sami.xm |
Posted Sun 2nd Dec 2007
Rated 3 / 10 |
An oddball two-part song which starts as a thin piano piece with rather average piano samples, and a chord sequence that gets decidedly repetitive after 50 seconds. Then turns into an almost-as-repetitive thrash track. Individually, the piano section would have got a 2, the thrash part a 3. Call it 3 overall. It doesn't sound finished, and the choice of two such contrasting sections is ... odd. |
Title: just for harmony Filename: just_for_harmony.mod |
Posted Sun 2nd Dec 2007
Rated 3 / 10 |
Basic chip tune. Makes effective use of its four tracks, at least. Some of the samples are just a tad piercing - balance could have been slightly better in places. Listenable. 3-4. |
Title: Jisk L - Dancefloor Filename: jisk_l_-_dancefloor.xm |
Posted Sun 2nd Dec 2007
Rated 6 / 10 |
Better voice samples than many. Pretty decent dance track. Not quite as frenetic as some in this genre, which seem to need to you be an ADHD sufferer OD'd on caffeine. A keeper. 6-7. |
Title: Jester, Jester Where Filename: jesterjester.mod |
Posted Sun 2nd Dec 2007
Rated 5 / 10 |
Hm, synth funk is the best description I can think of for this. I suppose the idea behind the track is start with a comedy-ish 'jester' track and then make it more sinister. The overall result is OK, but doesn't really reflect that intention. Also, the rather buzzy bass part of the melody is a little too buzzy for me. Overall though, not a bad attempt. I quite like it. 4-6. |
Title: intel 5 Filename: iuc_intel_5.mod |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 1 / 10 |
Some 'creeping up on somebody' music that starts with a 5.1 second loop. The pointer appears to be broken between the first two patterns - to hear the tune I had to manually bump it past the inital 5.1 seconds. I'd grade it 1, for apparently being broken, but 3-4 if it played OK. |
Title: invite yourself Filename: invite_yourself.xm |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 7 / 10 |
Well above average balladish piece, with good panpipe (I think, I'm not always reliable at correctly naming the instrument I meant) and piano samples. 7 . |
Title: Hereqe RMX Filename: hereqe_remix.xm |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 7 / 10 |
It's an enjoyable medium-fast techno piece with a slightly sad air to it. One I'll enjoy listening to in the future. 7. |
Title: hedgehog Filename: hedgehog.mod |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 8 / 10 |
A fast techno piece, showcasing just what you can do with 4 channels. Don't think the second slowdown at 2m40 works so well, but still very good. Compares favorably with, among many others, hereqe_remix.xm, which is 22ch and 100k larger. 8 . |
Title: headswitch edit Filename: headswitch_edit.mod |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 3 / 10 |
Not bad for a 4-track. A two-part song, with quite good basic musical motifs and nice samples, but not really enough variation from pattern to pattern. Certainly listenable, but repetitive. 3-4. |
Title: haraball paa torsdag Filename: haraball_paa_torsdag.s3m |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 7 / 10 |
Very good guitar and trumpet samples skilfully combined, producing a funky 4-channel ScreamTracker mod. Loops nicely. Slightly jazzy feel to it, but to be a real jazz piece it would need a bit more spontaneity. Still a 7 though. |
Title: tahu recort Filename: goto80-tahu_recort.mod |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 4 / 10 |
A better than run-of-the-mill 4-track mod. Synth backbeat is a bit piercing though - the tune could do with being better-balanced. Cracked by goto80, but no indication of where from. Very good for the filesize. 4. |
Title: frankfurtintro... Filename: frankfurtintro.mod |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 6 / 10 |
Sort of a cross between a chip and a drum track. A good example of a not-very common genre. Quite funky, with good samples. Unusual. 6. |
Title: flyaway Filename: flyaway.mod |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 3 / 10 |
It's a good fast 4-track module with more of a melody than many, but it starts in mid-tune and the drum/cymbal samples that start about halfway through are very poor; they sound more like bursts of static/white noise. A mix of 6 and 3-4. |
Title: essay menu Filename: essay_menu.mod |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 5 / 10 |
Quite effective spooky/horror-style track, like a menu track for a gothic or industrial gothic game. Another good mood-setter, but not something to listen to over and over. 5-6. |
Title: Danger (Ge-Ge's Mix) Filename: |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 3 / 10 |
Starts out ambient and then switches to ... trance I suppose. Average. 3-4. Would have been above average if its style had been more consistent throughout, but it changes at a couple of points, which rather spoils the atmosphere it had (successfully) been building up. |
Title: double or nothing Filename: |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 3 / 10 |
Short, simple, entry-level tracker that ticks most of the boxes for a good basic piece. The sort of thing you might produce towards the end of a 'teach yourself tracking' book. 3. |
Title: Combat Signal Filename: dmcombat.xm |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 4 / 10 |
Sounds like the sort of rock track they might play at the start of a wrestling match to get the crowd going - complete with the poor arena acoustics, modeled here with so-so samples and a lot of background crowd 'hiss', is the best way I can think of to describe it. When viewed in that light, it's not a bad atmosphere-setter. It's a track that's crying out to be played loud, but I really don't think the samples are up to it. Pity. 4-5. |
Title: DM1 by WindDragon /ROi Filename: dm1_by_winddragon_roi.s3m |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 4 / 10 |
Short (1m) synth-pop piece. A little on the thin side, but not as bad as many. This is a track I would have liked to have heard more of; it has potential, and the current version is disappointingly short. |
Title: part5 4-01 Filename: digitalscream-part5_4-01.mod |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 3 / 10 |
Four minutes of musical noise. Changes to a different, slightly better tune at 1m40, but still nothing special, except for an extract from Hall of the Mountain King at 2m45, which did amuse me. 3-4. |
Title: 5:05 Diamond Sky Filename: diamond_sky.xm |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 5 / 10 |
I got the impression that this track is a collection of good musical ideas produced by a less-experienced tracker author. Not enough variety. Technical skill far ahead of musical talent. The result, as is often the case, is a rather thin-sounding and repetitive tracker. Still, it shows promise, and some sections (e.g. the bit around 3:30 to 4:00 were spot-on.) 5-6. Just cutting the length by a minute or two would help. |
Title: demotracking Filename: demotracking.mod |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 5 / 10 |
Quite a good demostyle dance track. Liked the distorted bass guitar(?) samples, but couldn't identify them. Piano a bit tinny. Again, good for a 4-track. 5-6. |
Title: dave goes dancing Filename: dancing.mod |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 4 / 10 |
Pet Shop Boys-style disco-ish track. An OK example of the genre - 4-5. Maybe 6 if you're a fan of this sort of stuff. Good for a 4-track mod. I bet Dave dances like a Dad. |
Title: cocio_finsprit.xm Filename: cocio_finsprit.xm |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 5 / 10 |
Starts out as a bouncy - in fact, polka-style - chip track that would fit nicely as a theme tune for a cute Japanese video game. Then erodes some of that atmosphere with a slightly too-thumpy drum beat. A lot of good musical touches, but overall it sounds like a really good 4-track mod, which isn't quite such high praise for an 11-track fast-tracker module. 5-6. |
Title: chink a chip Filename: chink_a_chip.mod |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 1 / 10 |
Obnoxiously rough chip track with quite badly-distorted samples. 1. Save your ears. |
Title: charming but drunk2 Filename: charming_but_drunk_2.mod |
Posted Sat 24th Nov 2007
Rated 6 / 10 |
The snaredrum in the background sounds more like static. Good clarinet samples. Competently done 4-track mod, but a little musically simplistic. Nevertheless, an above-average track. 6. |
Title: BROSSEUR KOACH MIX Filename: brosseur_koach_mix.mod |
Posted Sun 18th Nov 2007
Rated 3 / 10 |
Very silly. Cuckoo clocks, whistles, various French voice samples, giggles, vehicle zooms, cheers, etc. On n'ecoute que deux fois, merci. 2-3. |
Title: The Infernal Reign Filename: |
Posted Sun 18th Nov 2007
Rated 6 / 10 |
Choral/orchestral piece. Also quite experimental, and long - 7m09. Good background atmosphere, not so much to listen to. Not much melody, but definitely some interesting effects. 4-8. |
Title: blastar_go Filename: blastar_music13.mod |
Posted Sun 18th Nov 2007
Rated 6 / 10 |
Short (1m30), quite funky 4-track mod. Really liked the 'drip' sample in the background and the syncopated tune. Pity it doesn't loop very well. 6-7. |
Title: BLACKOUT! Filename: blackout.xm |
Posted Sun 18th Nov 2007
Rated 4 / 10 |
Interestingly disjointed choral mix. Just for once, though, it's intentional. Strange piece of experimental music. Very clever, with good samples and good effects, and very good technically, but doesn't press any of my buttons. 4-7. |
Title: outside the caves Filename: beast3-caves-2.mod |
Posted Sun 18th Nov 2007
Rated 2 / 10 |
Looping 38-second 4-track. Attempts to sound menacing, doesn't really achieve it. Disjointed tune, 2-3. |
Title: comeallye.mub(remix) Filename: bd_cally.xm |
Posted Sun 18th Nov 2007
Rated 2 / 10 |
Beepy and poorly-executed version of Come All Ye Faithful. Given the way it diverges from the correct tune at points, you almost wonder if the artist actually recognised the original source ... It's that bad. 2. |
Title: bar-b-q ! Filename: bar-b-q_.mod |
Posted Sun 18th Nov 2007
Rated 6 / 10 |
Bouncy 11.5 second looping chip tune. Very cute. 5-6. Make it your ring tone and drive everyone within earshot mad. :-) |
Title: backdraft Filename: backdraft.mod |
Posted Sun 18th Nov 2007
Rated 4 / 10 |
Very fast-paced techno/synth pop. Sustains a reasonable level of variety throughout, so 4-5 I suppose. Would work well as a game theme tune. |
Title: BackBeat Filename: backbeat.mod |
Posted Sun 18th Nov 2007
Rated 2 / 10 |
Very eight-bitty samples, and an Arnold Schwarzenegger sample that's so mucked about in places it started to remind me of Stephen Hawking. When the melody, such as it is, does start, it doesn't quite sound in tune. I assume that's mostly the fault of the mediocre samples. Don't bother with this one. It's a novelty tune only of interest to the creator. 2. |
Title: babysnoop Filename: babysnoop.mod |
Posted Sun 18th Nov 2007
Rated 7 / 10 |
Somewhere between trance and synth pop. Very very good for such a small 4-track. 7. |
Title: a piece of mess
Rated 3 / 10