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nipsky's Comments


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Title: noname
Filename: noname_2.mod
Posted Thu 30th May 2024
Rated 7 / 10
Pretty simple but moody tune using only a few classic samples, but the lead instrument is playing some interesting melodies, and I somehow like the overall slightly sad atmosphere.

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Title: Smells Like T.S.
Filename: smells_like_t_s_.mod
Posted Thu 30th May 2024
Rated 6 / 10
Somewhat excessive cover of Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit. Not exactly original but the sample choice is charmingly odd, keeping the tune from sounding boring.

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Title: on-my-way-to-hell
Filename: mywy2hll.mod
Posted Wed 29th May 2024
Rated 6 / 10
Charmingly stupid horror metal tune that overstays its welcome a bit but manages to be fun most of the time. I like the overdone pitched-down horror screams sprinkled for some reason.

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Title: music4
Filename: music4.mod
Posted Wed 29th May 2024
Rated 6 / 10
Odd little tune with interesting chord changes and melodies, and a rather unusual choice of samples, creating an ambiguous atmosphere.

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Title: i mumboman
Filename: mumboman.mod
Posted Wed 29th May 2024
Rated 2 / 10
Weird but boring ambient tune that tries to be hypnotic (I guess?) but just ends up being very repetitive, mostly consisting of distant shot or explosion samples, some kind of distorted wind in the background and some guy barely audibly repeating "mumbo man" over and over again.

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Title: mister-clash!
Filename: mrclash1.mod
Posted Wed 29th May 2024
Rated 6 / 10
This is upbeat and fun tune using a lot of classic samples and an 80s and demostyle vibe. There’s quite a lot of going on, the up-front arpeggios are quite annoying, though.

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Title: mindstorm
Filename: mindstrm.mod
Posted Wed 29th May 2024
Rated 9 / 10
I just love the suspenseful and slightly cyberpunkish (shades of the System Shock 1 OST) verse this starts off with and which it varies over the course of the track, nicely contrasted with all these upbeat chiptune passages! All in all, this is a colorful and expansive tune with lots of variety and nice little twists, turns, and returns, that makes a whole lot of it sample kit without getting boring on the one end or aimless at the other.

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Title: metalwar4
Filename: metalwr4.mod
Posted Wed 29th May 2024
Rated 5 / 10
Moody tune with an unconventional mix of samples that has some nice harmonic ideas (making it sound festive and like a Christmas song at times) that unfortunately go nowhere.

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Title: the priests ii
Filename: met.mod
Posted Wed 29th May 2024
Rated 4 / 10
Somewhat uninspiring metal tune (or even a cover?). I appreciate the effort of trying to make this sound epic but it just doesn’t hold my interest. Added to that, the ST distorted guitar samples just haven’t aged all that well, as most tracks don’t that tried to sound "realistic" at the time, in general.

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Title: message.fall
Filename: messfall.mod
Posted Wed 29th May 2024
Rated 3 / 10
This is very similar to message.mod (Module ID 50791) but with a notably faster upbeat part and instead of "2001: A Space Odyssey" samples, this makes heavy use of a voice sample from a (rather bad) Life Call commercial from the 80s (?) with an old lady named Mrs. Fletcher calling "I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!". Can be found on YouTube these days. I’d love to know what the intention here was other than a joke, and while it’s funny in a morbid way, I much prefer the original tune.

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Title: message...v1.2
Filename: message.mod
Posted Wed 29th May 2024
Rated 7 / 10
Strange tune that starts moody and with a post-apocalyptic vibe just to suddenly switch into an almost upbeat and catchy mood accompanied by slightly oriental sounding pipes and occasional "2001: A Space Odyssey" samples. Not sure what to make of it, but I like it.

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Title: megaforce02
Filename: megaforce02.mod
Posted Wed 29th May 2024
Rated 7 / 10
Super catchy but a bit too sweet and repetitive for my taste, though the individual parts work very well together. And man, what a boxy snare sound.

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Title: Mod.Meditation
Filename: meditati.mod
Posted Wed 29th May 2024
Rated 5 / 10
Weird and a unsettling experimental ambient-ish tune featuring down-tuned speech samples ("meditate!"), creepy moans and unconventional melodies. Too random for getting really under your skin but manages to leave an impression.

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Title: in for the count
Filename: meanbeat.mod
Posted Wed 29th May 2024
Rated 6 / 10
A somewhat catchy but weird mishmash of different styles with a really upfront but great sounding breakbeat that mixes classic ST samples with more modern sounds. Somewhere in the middle between interesting but a bit grating.

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Title: mchammer-remix
Filename: cantouch.mod
Posted Wed 29th May 2024
Rated 2 / 10
Overly long tune mostly consisting of uninspiring samples of M.C. Hammer’s "U Can't Touch This" and lots of annoying pipe samples at the end. Rather boring.

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Title: laugh.mod
Filename: laugh.mod
Posted Wed 29th May 2024
Rated 7 / 10
This kinda stupid little tune solely consists of a bunch of differently pitched laughter samples from different sources, culminating in rather unsettling moans and somewhat disturbing "bye bye!" samples. It manages to be idiotically funny, deranged and a little creepy at the same time. The short running time makes this an enjoyable little gem of nonsense and keeps it from getting too annoying.

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Title: manx
Filename: manx.mod
Posted Wed 29th May 2024
Rated 2 / 10
One of the most annoying MODs I’ve heard in a while. Starting with the initial orchestral hit and continuing with incessant one-note pipes, and occasional weird reverted speech samples, this sounds like an experiment in grinding down the listener. Really wonder what the intention was here. I guess you could call it "experimental" ;)
