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LooPeR231's Comments


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Title: Sirens
Filename: sirens.mod
Posted Tue 20th Sep 2022
Rated 10 / 10
Shred that piano riff, baby

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Title: FUMIX 197 HOUSE
Filename: mpxvm_fumix197_ft2.xm
Posted Tue 9th Aug 2022
Rated 8 / 10
Chill. Works best as something to relax to. Pleasantly tracked

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Title: San Andreas Theme
Filename: yekm_gta_sa.it
Posted Tue 9th Aug 2022
Rated 8 / 10
A pretty nice conversion, even though it misses lots of instruments :)

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Title: sleep well...
Filename: mahogany_-_sleep_well.it
Posted Wed 18th May 2022
Rated 9 / 10
Ambient. Good, relaxing melody in here. Does ease you to sleep, I must say. :) A job well done, honestly. Also a pretty technical one. Using just one sample, eh? Pretty neat

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Title: Bappalander
Filename: bappalander.mod
Posted Sun 1st May 2022
Rated 10 / 10
The nostalgia is unbearable. I can say with confidence, that I've heard this edition in a keygen, but, sadly, I don't remember where. I haven't heard this for so long, that when I've discovered it for the first time after SO MANY YEARS, it made my eyes tear up. Brilliant tune.

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Title: jeansowaty_-_4e.it
Filename: jeansowaty_-_4e.it
Posted Sun 6th Mar 2022
Rated 7 / 10
The only problem with this edition, is that it's lacking in the technical aspect. It sounds great however!

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Title: music for chips
Filename: music_for_chips.xm
Posted Fri 18th Feb 2022
Rated 10 / 10
Crazy good and ambient chiptune, which helps you relax.

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Title: white coffee
Filename: coffee.xm
Posted Sun 5th Dec 2021
Rated 9 / 10
WOW! I can't believe this is a 4ch MOD! It sounds amazing and very atmospheric. My standing ovations to the composer!

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Title: SCREW
Filename: SCREW.MOD
Posted Sat 27th Nov 2021
Rated 7 / 10
This song has lots of swear words. It basically sounds like your average AVGN video :D It's a very fast paced track, and is enjoyable if you abstract from the vocals, but it has some flaws, that I didn't like. The first part with the clasical music just feels unnecessary for me. Not to mention the vocal's repetitivety.

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Title: ^^^ DIRTY HARRY ^^^
Filename: dirty_harry_34.xm
Posted Tue 12th Oct 2021
Rated 7 / 10
An unusual genre of music. Never listened to others alike much, but I somehow like it :D

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Title: Lost In Time
Filename: l_i_time.xm
Posted Sat 26th Jun 2021
Rated 10 / 10
This track sets of a magestic vibe. You can dream about yourself floating in the space while listening to this. I can't describe the amount of emotions this track gives me. It's wonderful and spooky at the same time.

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Title: sky & sea
Filename: sky_sea.mod
Posted Wed 23rd Jun 2021
Rated 9 / 10
This tune reminds me of Clash n' Slash OST somehow... There is something that resembles the tracks, that were written for that game. The track may be repetitive, but It's very-very enjoyable. And has a great atmosphere.

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Title: shock therapy 08
Filename: shock08.mod
Posted Wed 23rd Jun 2021
Rated 8 / 10
A very short but such a good tune, it feels timeless... I am in love with it.

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Title: drive!
Filename: slc-drive.mod
Posted Sun 16th May 2021
Rated 8 / 10
I've been looking for this... FOR SO LONG! It was used in one of Paradox's Cracktros, but the source wasn't mentioned at all. I love how repetitive it is, but still manages to keep me listening to this amazing track again and again. Amazing.

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Title: Bad Tracker!!
Filename: badapple.it
Posted Fri 9th Apr 2021
Rated 10 / 10
Mad respect to the author. Not only it's an amazing remix, but it's literally a tracked version of bad apple.


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Title: 00Enjoy
Filename: 00enjoy.mod
Posted Tue 23rd Mar 2021
Rated 10 / 10
A 15 second track that just feels endless. I can't expressed how I'm in love with it. Jogeir did an outstanding job. Making such a short track seem endless and relaxing.

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Title: her 8
Filename: her8.mod
Posted Sat 13th Mar 2021
Rated 10 / 10
This is the first ever chiptune I've ever heard and this is the track, that introduced me to the modarchive and the demoscene in general. I have so much bright memories of listening to this crack on Paradox's cracktros... Thank you Estrayk and Paradox for making my Childhood so bright!

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Title: casimir end theme
Filename: casimir.mod
Posted Tue 9th Mar 2021
Rated 7 / 10
It's a really good song. Wish it was longer.

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Title: 0rAL eXtaZe
Filename: 0ral_extaze.mod
Posted Tue 9th Mar 2021
Rated 7 / 10
Dung Dung Dung Pow!

What a hilarious and yet catchy track

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Title: Bad Apple!!ft.nomico
Filename: torvald_-_touhou_bad_apple.xm
Posted Sat 16th Jan 2021
Rated 10 / 10
A really good remix. I am totally in love in it.

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Title: kacza cza-cza
Filename: kacza_cza-cza.mod
Posted Mon 4th Jan 2021
Rated 7 / 10
I remember it from a Playstation crack for Crash Bash
