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Title: A Heart of stone Filename: pab_ston.xm |
Posted Tue 16th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10 |
The intro to this track is really weird, but I like it. Not just a little bit, either, a lot. This has to be one of the most interesting intros I've heard in quite some time. The song then takes a turn for the worse with a bad modulation, and carries the unneded pitch modulation through the track. Aside from the bad modulating, the track drives fairly well, and offers the listener a definite groove. The song lacks substance in most areas, though the bassline comes up with a couple of cool changes in the latter portion of the track. The echo is really nice, and gives the track a faraway sound. The modulation, to be honest, doesn't fit at all. The song is anticlimactic in the beginning, and seems to end rather abruptly, though it isn't too bad overall. |
Title: Quiet Mountains Filename: qm.xm |
Posted Tue 16th Feb 1999
Rated 2 / 10 |
This is really nothing more than a remix of "Heart and Soul," done fairly poorly I might add. There's little musical content that one hasn't heard a zillion times in the past, and the minor changes that the artist have offered don't fit too well. There's some obvious notes that need to be changed, due to a litle thing called KEY SIGNATURE! Overall, not worth listening to, unless you want to hear a shabby piano, missed notes, and weak percussion. I was not impressed technically with this track at all. The percussion sucks, to be honest, and the sample quality is abysmal. |
Title: Frozen the zone Filename: pab_froz.xm |
Posted Tue 16th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
Thought this track is fairly simple sounding, I found a lot happening throughout it, and exery time I listened to it, I found a couple of extra little kicks. The balance is anot too bad, though it does seem to get out tof whack in some areas. The song moves well, carrying the listener though a series of highs and lows with ease, and never dropping the original theme. Overall, not a bad effort at all, offering a catchy lead and some really nice underlying counters. Excellent syncopation and stress markings in the track. I was a little put off by the quality of the samples, especially the keyboard. However, the rest of the track flows fairly well, with only minor issues. There's a slight tuning error in some of the samples, but it is not something that would kill a track like this. Very creative content through a simple track. I like it. |
Title: Teqila Sunrise Blues Filename: pab_tq.xm |
Posted Sat 13th Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10 |
The intro is decieving, just before the percussion comes it. One is lead to believe that this track might kick up and jam, but it follows a slower rhythm than expected. A note about the percussion, well, um, it sucks. The lead is too simple, and throws some jazzy sounding notes in where the bass doesn't allow it. Honestly, it sounds like a lot of missed notes in there. The track is pretts short as well, and offers very little repeat experience. There's not much variance in the melody, which makes the song a little too plain. The percussion is horrible, which forces the listener to notice that the other samples aren't that great either. The artist also doesn't express a theme in the track, but instead throws several melodies at us, each in turn. It's almost impossible to grasp where this song is headed. Not too much though into it, from what I'm hearing. |
Title: Unimix! Filename: pab_unim.xm |
Posted Sat 13th Feb 1999
Rated 2 / 10 |
Not a bad chord progression throughout, even though it is a little plain. The song is weak almost all the way through, due to misplaced percussion and lack of low tones. There are also some large gaps where nothing at all happens, suspending the listener in an abyss of wonder. Overall, this sounds like a track that is about 1/10 finished, so I'd recommend a remix. The tempo variance really kills the track. Other that that, there's really not enough substance to the track to review. |
Title: X E S Filename: pab_xes.xm |
Posted Sat 13th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10 |
This is a remix of the X-Files theme, done fairly well, in my opinion. The percussion is a bit weak in a lot of areas, but the artist has really captured the ambience of the original theme within this remix. From the low offbeats, to the echoed melodies, this remix fits well. However, I would have liked to have seen more substance in the track, rather than the short version displayed here. The original theme has a piano that comes in late, and really seals the track. This artist has chosen to leave that out, and it took a possible climax from the track. Overall, this track is something worth hearing a couple of times, and it shows off the artist's ability to hear things and pick up on them, but it has nothing spectacular to offer. The artist really should offer more syncopation with the percussion, as well as try to tone some of it down. The mix is a little off in a lot of areas, giving the impression of an unfinished work. |
Title: Pale rider Filename: pale.xm |
Posted Sat 13th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10 |
The intro to this song really kicks ass, with sone cool syncopation, and a slick voice sample. The percussion comes in a bit heavy, and evens things out a bit, though it also throws some other aspects of the track into a flux. The leads are simple and well written, lending a hand to the real magic of this track, which is the voice samples. There's also a really kick ass break a few times in the track, with some neat lows and a good driving rhythm. Overall, this is a great thematic track, with a lot of nice elements. The guitar sample makes me clench my teeth a bit, but other than that, the samples aren't too bad. The voice samples are timed perfectly, and fit the mood well. The song has a great flow, and is arranged beautifully, though it ends a little suddenly. |
Title: PANIC.S3M Filename: PANIC.S3M |
Posted Sat 13th Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10 |
You know, before I ever loaded my first tracker, or even heard of the ModArchive, I was sitting around in a dark room with the Future Crew's demos blasting on my computer. PM's music has always been brilliant, and this is no exception. From the opening stanzas through the several tempo changes and styles, this track flows with a professionalism that is rarely matched. The accidentals in places jump out a bite the ears a little, but lend a bewildered flavor to the track in general. There is nothing amiss in this track, with its deep resounding lows, full mids, and meticulous leads. The changes are most impressive as well, taking nothing away from the track. Overall, this track is required listening for anyone new to tracking, and a fine example of one of the best musicians ever to grace the scene. Some of the samples are a bit grainy, but that takes very little away from the overall sound. The modulations throughout are exceptional, as are the rhythmic changes, and mix. As usual, PM's music is full of interesting syncopated patterns, which are the driving force behind the music. |
Title: PoPCorN *ElkMiX* -Elk/TMM Filename: |
Posted Sat 13th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10 |
This track opens beautifully, with some classic phrases that sound like their directly out of the romantic period. The song moves well, and a lot of though was apparently put into the arrangement. The syncopation is done nicely, as it follows the original popcorn theme well. The orchestra seems a bit boggy at times, but takes little away from the track. One thing that stands out in this track is the fact that the artist has a descending bass, with an ascending mid line, which adds a killer tone to the track overall. In my opinion, this is one of the most creative popcorn remixes to date, and worth a listen. The syncopation is excellent, and the dynamics add a lot to the track. The percussion is handled well, though it is a bit sparse in areas. The ending is a bit weak, but creative nonetheless. |
Title: The Light Fantastic Filename: cnd_tlf.xm |
Posted Fri 12th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
This has got to be one of the happiest techno tracks I've ever heard! The samples are used well, and nothing appears to be blatantly wrong with this track, but it still lends itself to some scrutiny over the repetitive aspects of the track. The chord progression is rarely modified, and the underlying samples seem to play the same rhythms over and over.On the other hand, there's some well cued voice samples offered through the track that do an excellent job of bringing the whole piece together, and really grabbing the listener. Overall, this is not too bad a track, and definitely deserves a listen. The percussion lacks flair, even though it is a techno track. There's so much going on in other aspects of the track that the percussion really has room to grow. The syncopation isn't too bad, even though it isn't used to its full extent. I was very impressed with the artist's use of dynamics throughout the song, which certainly helped to carry the track through some light spots. |
Title: -= Prairie Tale =- Filename: |
Posted Thu 11th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10 |
This track has some really cool changes, both progressively, and structurally. The intro is a kick ass adventure into the stereo capabilities of your system, and a nice rhythm that appears, at first listen, to be hard techno. However, the track breaks into a nice flowing pattern, with an exceptional melody, and a countermelody that's one of the strongest I've heard in a while. The song breaks out nicely, into a short remission, where the percussion takes a solo, and then shares space with a piano. This section is quite nice, but the percussion is a little too heavy. There's some 16th notes in the percussion that don't fit as well, due to the high pitch of the,. After the "intermission" section, the track continues the percussion line, but brings the rest of the instruments in. This is a wonderful climax, and really gets the listener into the groove of the track. The bass is a bit heavy, however, considering its pitch. Late in the track, there's also a short chord progression change that absolutely makes the tune. The ending is nice, and has a nice classical element to it. Overall, a really nice track that's really easy to find yourself moving to. The artist made good use of new patterns, and did not dwell on anything for too long. That's exceptional, considering the limited scope of the chords presented early in the track. The artist made a complex track from a simple progression. Two thumbs up. The panning is AWESOME, especially in the opening phrases. The syncopation starts well, but lacks as the song moves on. Little is lost, however, as the tune almost seems to switch styles with the lack of syncopation. The mix could use a little work, with the bass coming out a little too heavy late in the track, and the percussion being a bit high pitched in the mid sections of the track. There's some really cool slides, mostly created by the exceptional flute melody, butalso done well in the bass of the track. Again, I stress that the progression change late in the track is awesome, and is ultimately the high point of the track. |
Title: Downhill Freefall Filename: part_ii.s3m |
Posted Thu 11th Feb 1999
Rated 8 / 10 |
There's not a lot of action in the track, other than some syncopated low synth. This song has an awesome intro, and soon picks up into a rock rhythm with several battling guitars over a nice light rock harmony. The repeating rhythm guitar is an awesome effect, almost adding a feeling of reality to the instrumental. The use of echo maked the song seem like it is being performed live, which of course is an added bonus for any track. The percussion left a little to be desired, with few fills or changes. Overall, this is a really cool rock instrumental worth listening to, most certainly. The artist uses several echoes and dynamic drops in this track which bring it to life very well. I can't remember when I've seen a better job of tracking this style of music. There are tons of tiny little intricate details that were obviously not left to chance by the composer, which shows a maturity and alertness not normally seen in tracking. Exceptional job of tracking this one all aroung. |
Title: parerr.xm Filename: parerr.xm |
Posted Thu 11th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10 |
There's not a lot of action in the track, other than some syncopated low synth. The drums that come into play are weak, and add very little to the track, other than giving the listener a nice oomp-a head bob. The chord progression is standard ballad-style, but with a small twist, adding a synth effect to the whole tune. Overall, this song is pretty slow, and doesn't capture one's attention well. Not a reccomended download. Wait, one more thing, though. Late in the track, there's some awesome chord work, but it only sticks around for a few seconds. Some nice effects early on, but this artist doesn't show a lot of capability with complex syncopation. The notes draw far too log, and sort of mush the track alltogether. There's a nice volume mix, but the instrument mix lacks. |
Title: Journey to paradise Filename: paradise.s3m |
Posted Thu 11th Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10 |
There's not a good lead to speak of in this track. Everything is pretty plain, wrapped around a God-awful bass drum that won't quit. After hearing the same two chords over and over, one really cries for some change, so this song only got played through twice. Also, there's some really bad missed notes within the track. Now I understand that most people don't have a lot of knowledge of music theory or key signature specifics, but missing a note is definitely a bad thing in a mod. The piano is a tiny bit out of tune, and throws the other samples to the dogs. Honestly they didn't need a lot of help, because most of them are pretty weak to begin with. There's a lack of distiguishable leads, as well. Overall, pretty bad tracking. |
Title: PAN!NAR0'95-98 Filename: pan1naro.xm |
Posted Thu 11th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10 |
This is a nicely done remix of a Pet Shop Boys tune, but it lacks a catch. The voice samples are cool, and the beat is nice, but you can hear all of that from the Pet Shop Boys themselves. The slow break is nicely done, but lacks good percussion. The mix is clean, but a little light for the most part. Overall, this is a cool remix, done well against the original tune, but isn't worth a permanent position on your hard drive. There's some really trippy effects played out in this track, consisting of pitch slides and key changes. It has a certain trip-hop element later in the track which adds a lot to the effect, and is about s clean as I've heard it done. The syncopation is really nice overall, as well. Overall, there should be a little more volume added to some smaller bits of the track, and some dropped from others. Not too bad a go at it, though. |
Title: Delicate Rose (SFt) Filename: |
Posted Thu 11th Feb 1999
Rated 3 / 10 |
The piano is a little repetitive, and the sound is pretty square in general. This track never really gets up and runs like it should, as it is so short. It's a but redundant, using a common rythmic passage, with another common chord progression. There could definitely be some work done on a bridge or some countermelodies. The song has a definite lack of dynamics, and is missing almost entirely a good set of mid-tones. Overall, nothing particularly special in this track worth hearing. The samples are all pretty bad, and have nothing to speak of done to them within the track. There is not a lot of attention paid to detail in this track, which is something that it could severely use. The loops need to be fixed within the samples, and the piano needs to be toned down a bit. |
Title: Pacific Waters Filename: pacific.s3m |
Posted Thu 11th Feb 1999
Rated 5 / 10 |
There's some weak samples throughout this track, which makes it seem a little light in several areas. The bassline is simple enough, allmost to a fault, and doesn't offer much to build on. This track seems separated for the most part, as a combination of several ideas, not quite put together in the best order. However, the track is very pretty, despite its shortcomings, and offers a feeling of relaxation with samples from the ocean, and light synth countermelodies. Overall, this track is not too bad, but really could use some detail work. The wave samples add a lot to the track, but the bass almost takes it entirely away. The samples aren't mixed properly in several occasions, which stand out far too much. There's a couple of percussive hits that seem to come from nowhere, and should probably be lengthened and toned down to fit better. |
Title: everone go m Filename: m.mod |
Posted Wed 16th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10 |
Though continuously singled with a very simplistic and overused chord progression, this track is fairly intriguing in the musical aspect. It has a borderline repetition that almost makes confusion from the few samples, but offers enough of a change continuously to allow some possible expansion on the theme. I would like to hear a bit more of a lead, as the chord progression is certainly capable of supporting almost anything. The samples intertwined are pretty cool, with some really kick ass wah-wah effects, and a nice low synth. The "mmm" sound is a bit overbearing throughout most of the track, but given the artist's intentions with this track I believe that it should be kept as is. The drum track is strong, but is a little heavy with double rides, and some immediate cut outs that leave a little to be desired. Overall, this is an interesting piece, spawning far from the normal techno and ambient tracks that have become so common. It has extreme potential rhythmically and melodically, but this particular run lacks repeat playability. The sound is rather full for so few channels, which is something not commonly seen. However, the mixing could be a little cleaner, as some of the samples cut suddenly, and do not play out their potential. The drums are a bit too heavy through the beginning, but come to a reasonable volume withing the midlle portions of the track. This progression has been used for ages in many pop songs, and offers many exclusive transitions and changes that the artist does not exploit. I would have liked to have seen a minor chord progression breakdown, with a quick slide to a new key, given the nature of the key signature, as that is its prime expectant. However, not too bad technically, with a lot of resonating sound through a small number of channels. |
Title: Pussy, Pussy Cat Filename: pussycat.xm |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10 |
Jeez, this is different. I wondered why the song was so huge. This guy sings to this track. Not bad overall, some cool guitar solo work, and a nice rock feel to it. However, the voice is way too high, and there's a good bit of static overall. This is a very creative song, though. If you have the bandwidth to download it quickly, get it. Otherwise, it's not worth it. Oh, and one more thing. The intro is absolutely hilarious. The voice samples were very nicely mixed into the track, though they were a little loud. They fit rythmically, which is a really hard thing to master. Good job technically, except for some minor dynamic issues. |
Title: Psychotron Filename: PSYCHOTR.MOD |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 3 / 10 |
This track lacks a lot. There's some interesting ideas, but the substance to back them up are not there. The percussion is not done cleanly, which throws the beat off, and the lead is not at all memorable. Overall, not a good work rhythmically or melodically. Another sparse 4-channel MOD. Some people have no problem filling a 4-channel MOD, making it sound full and complete. This artist, however, does not posess those skills. This track screams for the artist to "wake up!" |
Title: Psycho Bells Filename: psychobells.s3m |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10 |
This is nicely done, turning "Jingle Bells" into a minor key, and adding some hilarious voice samples into it. My favorite is Santa's really nasty sounding "Ho, ho, ho." It couls use some more substance, however. It's a little weak, especially in the sample arena. It sounds heavier than was probably intended, and is difficult to hear sometimes. Overall, this track is really hilarious, and needs to be heard by every anti-christmas fanatic out there. The samples were pretty bad in the low range, but the voices were done nicely, and made the song completely. The simple volume bounces couls have been done better, and a little more dynamic control could be added to greatly enhance the overall track. |
Title: Psycho Style!!!!!!!! Filename: psycho.xm |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 3 / 10 |
There's some cool chord work about halfway through the track, but it's heavily obscured by the overworked drums. This song is difficult to get into, as it doesn't reach out and grab the listener with anything special, nor does is have a clear chord movement to it. The percussion, to be honest, sucks, both in volume and content. Overall, nothing worth listening to. The samples are pretty weak, which takes away from some cool pitch slides in the track. The lack of mids offers a problem throughout the track, as does the really bad mix. Volume is the key problem overall, which should be an easy fix. I just turned it off, and it sounded better immediately. |
Title: Psychosymatic Filename: psycho.s3m |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10 |
The bassline drops out into oblivian after the intro, which really hangs the listener on a cliff for a few seconds. It soon comes back, but the suspense has taken its toll. Not too great an intro, alltogether. When the theme finally fires up, this track is much easier to get into, with some fun synth reps, played in a cool syncopated pattern. Other that the weird drum solo at three minutes, this song is can get your head moving pretty easily, with a continuous discovery of new patterns, and a sweet bassline. Overall, a pretty somple job of tracking this one, with few technical marvels. This is about as straight as I've heard a techno song tracked. It could do well with some bends, and a little more dynamic control. If this song were thrown into Impulse tracker or FT2, I think the artist could definitely add some more life to the track, and make it a top-notch jam. |
Title: PsyLights Filename: psych.xm |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10 |
This track has a nice mix of highs and lows. both sharing the leads at times. It makes good use of breaks and bridges alike, but tends to get a little repetitive. There's a cool bird that's chirping away throughout the track. I'm impressed by the artist's creativity, using less common sounds and rhythms in this track, rather than going back to the same things that every techno track seems to have. There's an excellent counter-rhythm underneath the smooth lead that makes this song much brighter. The changes are done well, and aside from a few loud spots from the percussion, this is a great track. The artist apparently wanted this one to move well, and I would say that he accomplished that, maybe a little too much. The mix is a little off, especially in the percussion track. Sometimes it tends to get a bit overpowering. |
Title: psychotic-dreams Filename: PSYCDREA.MOD |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10 |
This has a pretty cool flow. The rhythm is almost pulled directly from Mozart, though some definite changes have been made. It has a nice melody that fits well with the feeling of the music, and a few really killer voice samples. The drum track left a lot to be desired, but with only four channels, I didn't expect much. Overall, this is a nice tune, but it just doesn't have the ability to grab a listeners attention very well. It's worth a listen, but I doubt it'll get more that one. With only four tracks to work with, the artist did a pretty good job of keeping the song moving. Much better,in fact, than I'm used to in 4-channel MODs. Good dynamic balance and tracking overall. |
Title: Vomenoes [Apelsin-Edit] Filename: PSN-VOM.S3M |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10 |
This track has some very demostyle qualities, including some killer pitch slides, and an outstanding lead. It tends to lean more toward techno, however, with the voice samples and hard hitting, repeating mix. The intro is outstansding, starting with a killer voice sample, and going into a quick step, then a drop. The main theme is picked up immediately after the drop, and there is no dead space from then on. Wonderful track, get it now. This is one of the most incredible tracks I've heard lately, concerning the rhythm blipps, and what not. Not a single note has been overplayed, or is at the wrong offset. Everything is smooth and clean, which is exactly the way mods should be. |
Title: moscow psb theme Filename: psbmos.xm |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10 |
There's a lack of structure throughout this track, with very little flow overall. The artist has tried to fill most of the gaps with heavy percussion, but apparently that didn't work. There's also some changes that don't tend to flow very well in the track, adding a confused sound to it in general. It tends to go on just about forever, which gets pretty annoying, because the theme is established withing thirty seconds of the track's opening. More mid tones are needed, and the mix needs to be fixed. Though the song is capable of being good, more attention should be paid to the finer points of the track in this one. There's an immediate lack of dynamics, coupled with some pretty weak samples. A remix would be nice, as the track itself has potential. |
Title: Ecstasy Filename: |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10 |
his is really a BIG piece, regardless of the sound. I mean, there's about thirty billion things happening in the background, while only a few are heard. Clinical studies show that the Human mind has the ability to concentrate on up to seven things at once, but no more. This track will test that capability. Also, a very nice lead is stretched over the complex rhythm, adding yet another area to concentrate on. Overall, one of the most intricate tracks I've heard to date, with a very well done mix. Great attentiona must have been paid to get the soft sounds, and light feeling in several areas of this track. There's so much going on in it that the tracking had to be perfect for it to work. Well, it works. |
Title: .Paradise Island. Filename: |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 3 / 10 |
This track is weak in several areas. The melody is not carried well by the song structure overall, and the "Frogs and Jungle Wildlife" is played a bit overboard. The track is far to long for the content displayed, and has no distinguishable flow to it. The mix is a little weak, with the lead played waaaaay too loudly. There's not enough harmony at all throughout the track, because the wildlife sample drowns it all out. |
Title: Panthalassa Filename: panthala.mod |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 1 / 10 |
Pretty shallow, overall, an echoed lead with some drums. Repeat, repeat again, fade out, repeat again, fade out, repeat again, double volume, repeat again. Get the idea? The sample used is a little weak, and has a light hiss to it. Musically, this is nothing more than a lead. Without anything to fill in the harmonies, this is an unfinished work, with no technical promise. |
Title: -* PANDEMONIA *- Filename: PANDEMON.XM |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10 |
The first thing that struck me about this track is the complexity. The melody drops out, only to allow a new melody to fill in. It's absolutely incredible the way this track changes leads so well. The synth work is done better that I'm used to hearing it done, leading me to believe the artists have quite a bit of experience with this style of music. I will say that it's a bit short for the complexity presented, so I would have liked another minute or two on this track. I haven't heard modulations done this well in a long time. The melody line(s) are constantly in motion, with bends and slides. Good mix dynamically as well. Excellent tracking, overall. The best I've seen in a while. |
Title: Panacea Filename: pana-612.xm |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10 |
A little slow in the beginning, but it gets around to a nice rhythm, and some cool breaks. It has some really cool background work that's placed well. It definitely scores well in the climax department, moving up and down regularly. Overall, this isn't too bad of a tune, though it is a little simplistic. Not too bad of a job, but I think the whole track in general could be mixed a little better. Somethings are just a bit overpowering, and the samples tend to waver a bit too near the end of their loops. |
Title: FreeQuency Filename: pan_freq.xm |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 7 / 10 |
This song continues moving in progressions, unlike most techno tracks available today. It utilizes a complex flowing structure, coupled with excellent molodies, which are also changing regularly. The countermelodies are well done, meshing into the fabric of the music overall, and not taking away from the original melody line. This piece is worth a download. The intro kicks ass, too. It's borderline demostyle, and mixed perfectly. The panning is terrible. I can't remember the last time I felt so sideways. Other than that, the mix, the slides, the dynamics, ect. are immaculate. |
Title: Message from Heaven (LPt) Filename: |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 2 / 10 |
This track lacks a lot of integrity and honestly sounds empty. It's under two minutes long, and doesn't really have a melody to fall back on. There's not a lot done with the rhythm, as it's all pretty bland. Not a very good choice of instruments in this track. Things don't tend to fit very well, and clash with one another. There's some good use of dissonance, but really nothing else exciting. |
Title: Ancient Herald (JMt) Filename: |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 1 / 10 |
Screeching sounds accompany this track. It's a headache waiting to happen. The high registers are so piercing that I only had the opportunity to listen to this track once. If anyone disagrees with this review, feel free to download the track and subject yourself to screaming horror. Ugh. Nasty, screaming high tones. To be honest, I was so busy praying for the song to end that I didn't notice any other things in it. That has to be pretty bad. |
Title: New Horizons (o-world 1) Filename: |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 2 / 10 |
This song has a pretty weak melody, and honestly hurts the ears if played too many times. It has a serious lack of low tones, and the high tones are waaaay too high. It;s also really repetitious, and far too long for the screaming samples. Those of you into pain, get this one. It's an instant headache. The highs are too loud, the percussion is too straight, and there's no volume balance. I'll be honest, and say that I played it twice, and I have a serious headache from it. |
Title: Runic Tome (Ancient Town) Filename: |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10 |
Though repetitious, this track is still pretty cool in the fact that it's so mysterious. It honestly sounds like it could have come from a horror movie. The beginning is good, starting simply, and working up to the real bulk of the track. It could use some more low tones, as the light slams aren't quite long enough. Overall, something directly out of a Wes Craven movie, and worth a listen. Good dynamic control overall, but a little weak on the mix. There's not enough low tones, and a few too many highs. The low slams should be drawn out longer. Good use of dissonance in this track, it honestly makes it what it is. |
Title: Energy Flow Filename: pahenflo.xm |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 8 / 10 |
There's a lot of movement in this trance track. It's god somereally awesome pitch sliding synth that just rocks all the way through the song. About halfway through the piece, it turns into a half-time slow step that has to be the most perfectly executed example of that technique that I've ever heard. Overall, a really upbeat trace/rave piece with a bad ass intro, and continuing bad-ass'ness throughout. Though it lacks complexity in most of the patterns, the timing and execution of the slides and offbeats is outstanding. Excellent tracking all around, a good example of how trance should be tracked. |
Title: Purple Haze Filename: p_hazerm.xm |
Posted Thu 10th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10 |
This is a remix of the classic Jemi Hendrix tune Purple Haze. It has some pretty cool ups and downs, and a really nice ambient feel. It is a little repetitive, though. The guitars are really a cool effect against such a light and mellow background. There is one cool break to the repetition, with a nice piano riff, ehich carries into the ending. There's also a kick ass sample that adds almost a voice-like sound to the song. Overall, not a bad mix, but some harsh sounds that need fixing. The guitar was a cool effect, but really should have been done with a better sample. The melody synth is a little clicky when playing repeating notes as well. |
Title: When Tears fall
Filename: pab_tear.xm
Rated 4 / 10