Traxah symphonee (traxah_symphonee.xm)
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"Traxah symphonee" by: Andreas Viklund of KFMF Dreamhack'98 multich. compo entry! =) [Oct 30, 1998] Mail: andreas_ Web: [Includes samples made with a mc-505...] ********************** -light bassdrum- -crash- -real snare- -longhat- -tambourine- -tr-909 hihat- -hihat- -steel guitar- -fläsko slap bass- -bass guitar- -pizzicato- -cold string- -ravepulse- -pan flute- -techno bassdrum- -strings- -e guitar- -sine lowbass- -mc-505 pizzi 1- -mc-505 pizzi 2- -guit chord- -acid blipp- -mc-505 riff- -heavy dist guitar- -tr-808 snare- -tech drumset- -mc-505 kick- -housebass- -solid piano- -slice- -voice sample- _ TSEC Yamaha CS1x Res1 _ TSEC Yamaha CS1x Res3 _ TSEC Yamaha CS1x Res6 _ TSEC Yamaha CS1x Res8
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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