Frederick Jimson (
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00000000000000000000000000 /\ /\ \/ 00000 00000 \/ /\ 0 0 /\ \/ 000 0 \/ /\ 0 0 0 /\ \/ 0 REDERICK 000 IMSON \/ /\ /\ 00000000000000000000000000 <<>>---------------<<>> -=SONG FACTS=- Tracked by Pip Malt in 2009. Composed by Pip Malt. <<>>---------------<<>> -=SAMPLES=- *----Kick from Quasian. *----Snare from Reed. *----Cymbal from wonder. *----Clavichord and bagpipe from the MIDI library. *----Tambourine from Gopher. *----Accordion and fiddle from Nightbeat. *----Bass by Zack Ohren. *----I'm not sure where the rest came from. <<>>---------------<<>> -=COMMENTS=- This song is dedicated to my mythical friend who sadly had to take a trip to Germany for "studies." I hope he comes back unscathed. He liked funk music a lot but he also liked some folk music. And guess what? This here song is supposed to be a folk/funk combo! Eh? What am I talking about? Who is this Frederick Jimson guy? <<>>---------------<<>>
Kick Snare Crash Cymbal Tambourine Ride Cymbal Modified Clavichord Bass Accordion Bagpipe Fiddle Clean Guitar Reverse Cymbal "Frederick Jimson" by Pip Malt See comments for more info.
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