A Sense of Wrong V2 (rmfx-senseofwrongv2.it)
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RoninMastaFX - A Sense of Wrong [V2.0] Artist(s): Mitchell "[~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX" LeBlanc Title: A Sense Of Wrong Version: v2.0.0 Filenames: [RMFX-SenseOfWrongV2.it] & [RMFX-SenseOfWrongV2.umx] Started on: Sunday, December 19, 2010 Finshed on: Monday, December 20, 2010 Upgraded on: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 Compatible with most UE1 games (that use UMX technology) Made with: OpenMPT v1.18.03.00 | Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (x64) w/ 2 GB DDR2 RAM Genre: Techno-DNB BPM: 170 V2.0 Fixes & Improvements: * Fixed Aalexanderre's name's type (was missing one "r" ^^ ) * Fixed up the Artist(s) section * Fixed all known typos within this song message :) * Fixed 9/10 of sync problems left in v1.0 and tweaked heavily the remaining 1/10 unsynced notes to make them sound better and more in-beat... ^^ * Extended the song longer to fix the massive "sync catchups"...this in turn made the song longer * Extended the ending part of the song and made it more epic! (imho) * General bugfixes & oddities fixed and/or tweaked * Added the storyline of why this song was amde a little bit of background of who I am and such * Branched the "Thank you's" section-list from the "Dedicated to" section-list to follow new module standards (and not from the 80's up to the mid-late 90's style of crediting! ^^ ) * Added 2 new people to the "Thank you's" section-list Samples taken from: CoreTex - Home Necros - Isotoxin Michel Van Den Bos - Foregone Destruction RaGe/Jade - NeurosiS Deus Ex - Hong Kong Music (Alexander Brandon?) Dedicated to: The RoninUnrealFX Clan Thank you's: --=Aalexanderrr=--, EisWiesel, VRN|Shade, Lauren Taylor, UT3DOM Crew, Dynaphase, Shivaxi, [BN]-=AV][T=-, «:MX:»MadSniper, [~]RUFX[~]Delacroix, [~]RUFX[~]RoC (Rossi), [~]RUFX[~]SatoshiRaian (RaianTheFallen), Creavion, Smirftsch, BeyondUnreal, PlanetUnreal, OldUnreal, UnrealSP, UT99.org & all others who I have forgotten (you know who! ;) :) ) Story of The Song: Way back between the era of July 7, 1998 to January 24, 2001...I used to make module songs (and have made 6 of them during this timeframe ^^ ) with my old Pentium 2 450 Mhz with 64 MB of ramm and Windows 98 Second Edition (and a "measly" 20 GB HDD!). Needless to say, the reason why I quit was because for some strange reason, my PC was so abd, Impulse Tracker had problems with any module longer than 5 minutes and 1 second would crash the progam and therefore requiring a hard reboot! I got so pissed off, I vowed never to track for a MINIMUM of 10 years (a decade ^^). Well, that vow was broken, but only just... I have made my first module song since January 24, 2001! Technacly this is my 7th module in total, and my first to be made public (v1.0 doesn't even count imho! :P ). However, I think although my first module to made in a decade...I believe V2.0 will be possible one of the best you might've actually heard from a "technical newbie" that I am...having not composed/tracked a module in a decade! :D From the bottom of my heart: Thank you...and rock on! =) --==RoninMastaFX Von LeNoir==--
Drum1 Techno1 Techno2 BoomCinema Techno3 Drum2 Drum3 Drum4 KickDrum Cymbal1 Cymbal2 Techno4 Hihat1 Techno5
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Artist's Comments
Either way, enjoy it (or not)...I won't get offended (at all) if you hate this song with your life...it was merely created as a test...but due to so many people liked V2, I uploaded it to the ModArchive so the whole world can listen to it (so they can be the actual judge! ^^ ).
Thanks for reading this(long) review, and now you know a little bit more about this song (of what isn't already written in the Module comments section! ;) :) ) ! - RoninMastaFX