Death by Love Underdoze (
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DEATH BY LOVE UNDERDOZE (INFINITE INSTRUMENTAL VERSION) ------------------------------------------------------- (C) 2000 by Silencio of Injection Squad Date of completion: November 23rd, 2000 File Index: 20001123/IIV Duration: 4:18 I finally decided to have a third DBLU-release, this here. I think the Piano Version was no good idea, but to give the whole thing a last "kick", I wanted you to have this one. It's a mixture from the Piano- and the Full-Version, but without Vocals. For a long time it just laid on my HD and I didn't know what to do with it, but I now I've decided. It will also be part of my next CD. I think that should be enough. Btw: If you haven't got the Full-Version hereof, I suggest you should download it as IT or MP3 at or or So long, - Silencio --- ---------------------------------------------------
Twilight Piano Closed Hihat Open Hihat Clap Saxophone Jazz Organ Reversed Crash E-Bass Panflute 2 Trinity Piano #01 Trinity Piano #02 Trinity Piano #03 Trinity Piano #04 Trinity Piano #05 Trinity Piano #06 Trinity Piano #07 Trinity Piano #08 Trinity Piano #09 Trinity Piano #10 Trinity Piano #11 Closed Hihat Open Hihat Clap Saxophone Jazz Organ Reversed Crash E-Bass Panflute 2
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Artist's Comments
There exist several versions of DBLU, this is the "Infinite Instrumental Version". I may also upload the "Piano Version", but the original with its crappy lyrics will forever be doomed to rot in the darkest corner of my hard drive ... - Silencio