titless (serpent_-_titless.xm)
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Posted by CommanderKeen on Fri 13th Apr 2012, rated 5 / 10.
A typical chip tune. However, if it's going to be 180kb uncompressed, why not add some good drum samples as well? That aside, there are some good melodies going on in the lead, but not quite so good they are memorable. The tune plods along a bit laboriousy, although it never becomes boring. Some variation in the drums or the overall arrangement could have spiced up this tune a little. A commendable effort.
A typical chip tune. However, if it's going to be 180kb uncompressed, why not add some good drum samples as well? That aside, there are some good melodies going on in the lead, but not quite so good they are memorable. The tune plods along a bit laboriousy, although it never becomes boring. Some variation in the drums or the overall arrangement could have spiced up this tune a little. A commendable effort.
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The chord structure in this chip may be simple and repetative but I really like the melodies and variations therein. Nice one.