DAZING PSYCHOTRONIC (j-61m_-_omamna_psychotronni_latka.xm)
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~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~ D A Z I N G P S Y C H O T R O N I C S U B S T A N C E O M A M N Á P S Y C H O T R O N N Í L Á T K A ~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~ by Johannes Getmann aus Scheißendorf AKA 637man, j-61m etc. from 2014/04/20 to 05/11 in OpenMPT 1.23.01 and 1.23.03 laid for a week on my HDD and on 05/18 going to be released ~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~ S O N G S T A T I S T I C S Chn: 20 * Smp: 16 (31) * Ins: 16 (31) * Pat: 44 * Ord: 54 Len: 5:36 * BPM: 180 * Spd: 6 & C A .MID of it would span 12 Channels - 6 tracks for drums, 3 double track samples. 1 sample is played on 3 channels. TFW UDK 3LA: Channels, Samples, Instruments, Patterns, Orders, Lenght, Beats Per Minute, Speed, and ... That Feel When yoU Don't Know three(3)-Letter Acronyms ~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~ ATTENTION: Contains samples larger than 64kB, so it won't play on GUS in FT][ properly. No-ne has GUS anyway in PC, since only DAC is now sufficient for music reproduction and is usually intergrated on the PC's motherboard. The sound synthesis is handled completely by the CPU. ATTENTION #2: Uses 2 DirectX plugins, Reverb and Flanger, but only as sound enhancers. Even though, it will not sound as intended even in Impulse/Schism/Milky Tracker. ATTENTION #3: OPL 3 had 18 channels by default, but 3 of them could be tranformed into 5 percussion tracks, labeled (I suppose) BD, SD, TT, TC and HH. Therefore giving altogether a total of 20 channels to play sound with. ~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~ Greets: Matrox, Nula, subz3ro and all my blog readers Not greets to: The dumbasses at M$ who decided to drop even the last bit of 16-bit compatibility from Windows 6.0+ x64, for that I can't run the pre-Windows 95 apps anymore! ~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~ M A D E I N C Z E C H I A ~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~*~-=###=-~ I don't think there's anyone who'd bother to see the song message in an FT2 module, so this one was ought to be a little shorter, but as I knew, it has grown into bigger size than I expected, being responsible for over 1/16 of the filesize. Nevermind, you have something to read when in a boring class, on a toilet, or just bored. Check my blog if you haven't, even if you have, there might be something new to waste your time with. The adress is getmania.blogspot.com. Contains English, Czech, German and traces of other languages. But soon it's going to be mainly English blog. I'm planning to set up another one, which will function as a forum and netlabel. It'll be named Scheißendorf, but it's going to have also names in other (16) languages, even though even I refer to it as Scheißendorf even in oher languages. There they are: English - Shittyville, Shitttown (Does the German composition logic apply?) Czech - Hovnice, Hovnoves Russian - Govnograd, Govnoderevnya Polish - Gównowieœ French - Village-de-Merde, Merdevillage Finnish - Paskakylä Japanese - Kusomura, Unkomura, Daibenson, Mura no tawagoto Esperanto - Merdavilagxo Spanish - Joderpueblo Italian - Citta de merda, Merdavillagio Chinese - Go¡u shi¡ cu-n Greek - Ekataxwpio (Skatachorio) Hungarian - Szarfalu Latin - Maurisvilla Norwegian - Drittlandsby Swedish - Skitby So I can get an afterslash handle "surname", like getman/scheissendorf. It might be written scheiszendorf too, since the ß is sometimes called Eszett (S, Z in German). The ligature, as the name implies, derives its beta-like shape (congratulations, Germans, you have invented a Greek letter) either from S3 (sz) or Ss, depending on the font. The capital S marks the "old" lowercase S, also seen in English quite a long time ago. It was similar to f, so that's probably the reason it was dropped, like thorn and wynn. In German blackletter it looked more like a wand or integral symbol. It was used altogether with modern lowercase S, which appeared in other contexts. This song has a Czech name to remind the Slovak AdlibTracker II. Also the acronym OPL is used by our police to refer to drugs meaning Omamná Psychotropní Látka. Psychotronic is in the name because the OPL chip is a piece of electronics producing some cool sounds. The Slovak Police uses it too, meaning omamná psychotropná látka. Yes, it is nearly the same. These 2 languages transform to each other in the Moravia and west Slovakia, we were even in one country! Too sad that our prime ministers Václav Klaus and Peter Meèiar decided to split us up in 1992, which has become effective from 1.1.1993. At least Czechs didn't want to. Now we have kind of need to annex at least the Poland's Cieszyn region or mostly Germany's Lausatia or maybe the Upper Pfalz or maybe even whole Slesia. These belonged one time to the the Lands of the Bohemian Crown (Zemì koruny èeské), either the neighbor or part of the Holy Roman Empire. I wanted to have some more modules I could test in FT2, mainly because of the 1-bit output to the PC Speaker. It sounded quite interesting. If you would export it to a wave and burn it on a CD and put it to mass production, you would have definitely won the loundess war. Too bad these modern pieces of software found in iShits have automatic gain control. Also it would be very small file if expressed in 1-bit depth. Lobit artists would appreciate that. This is my 1st module where I know origin of ALL samples! They're from: FAT_OPL2.DLS - 1, 4, 6, 7 Saga Musix - 10000m Below the Sea Level - 16 OPL3_FM_128M.SF2 - the rest I opted for samples and not a real chiptune because: * No-one could play it pack since soundcard have nothing like OPL anymore. * Windows NT cannot into FM synthesis. Not even Impulse tracker can communicate with OPL3 directly. Last tracker that could and was at least quite widespread was ScreamTracker 3. Therefore no application can really support S3M completely without implementing an FM synthesis algorythm. * Emulators suck. While the output of YMF262 chip itself can be emulated bit-accurate, it was the other circuity in SoundBlasters that did most of the sound. And, the legend says: There were 2 SB16s, which sounded entirely the same. If you've thrown yours out, regret it! You could sell it tens of years later for very considerable amount of money. * I couldn't learn the controls of AdlibTracker II enough to create something sensible. Besides I didn't make the mouse working and the DOS version doesn't run under DosBox for me. The SDL version for Windows stops responding to keyboard input if I unfocus and refocus the window, so I would be seriously disappointed if I had to trash my work because of it. Therefore, I use it only to play the sample modules (quite many), that came along with it. * As an OpenMPT user, working in an other applications would be pain in the ass. I know about and I've tried also MadTracker, SchismTracker, MilkyTracker and even played some modules in Winamp. I shall expressly disclaim liability for any consequences of playing my modlules in it. While it's good if you have nothing else, but some effects it doesn't handle quite well. While I would like to make a song entirely in Milky or Schism, I'm not sure if I would understand the interface of the others enough to not to give up and continue working on the song in OpenMPT. Also not to ignore Renoise, but out of the pirated DAW I've had only FL Studio and I don't feel like paying for something I'll just play with, when there's been lots of freeware and opensource that could do similar things. And since the Scene is not a commercial community, nothing that requires a payment to get it should be counted in it. Shareware counts into it too, when it restricts usage in terms of features, not time, since it can be uninstalled and reinstalled if the trial (but then it's trialware) period runs out. One must remember to cleat the registry, so after reinstallation it surely resets the trial countdown. You could even make a .BAT for it. If my free time allows, you might except another piece of something like music from me. I am getting quite outcomposed, since my inspiration isn't that high as it used to be. But quality before quantity. There's been already quite a lot of junk in the pop music, so I'm not going to release a complete crap that no-one (even me) would like to listen to anyway. ~~ Johannes Getmann aus Scheißendorf AKA 637man, j-61m etc.
FT2's inferior, that interface is a mess. There's also a song message, which I don't know the shortcut nor the mouse button click sequence to in it. By the way, don't try to play this on GUS, since it will screw those long samples, for that it sucks too. DIY LPT DAC rules. SB16 isn't also bad. And don't tell me that IT's text mode UI sucks, because the one of FT2 is graphically intensive, so it can handle only 32-channel modules. Pretty much like Windows 98. Good just for the Nibbles. ~ j-61m AKA 637man Well, FT2 sucks only compared to IT and ST3. It's for the fact it is buggy because it's coded in Pascal. Psi and Pulse coded in ASM & IT/ST3 works. Honky-tonk Piano 017 030 Synth Bass 1 041 Synth Brass 1 Shakuhachi 080 055 128 128 128 128 128 128 fmbass The song message isn't a standard part of XM, I think, so it isn't always loaded. It was made in OpenMPT. You know, hacked features. Oh, someone who uses IT or something like it? I feel your pain when you tried to work with the button-esque FT2's GUI. Not even a mousewheel support!
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