Walking the Stratosphere (bacter_vs_saga_musix_-_walking_the_stratosphere.it)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 31st Dec 2016
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Winner of the combined tracked music competition at Under Construction 2016. - Saga Musix
Internal Texts *
Walking the Stratosphere CC-BY-NC-SA 2016 by bacter and Saga Musix https://soundcloud.com/bacter https://sagamusix.de/ This is the high-quality version of our winner entry for the combined tracked music compo at Under Construction 2016. Use OpenMPT 1.26 or newer or XMPlay to play this module. Compressed stereo samples are used. If most samples appear as mono in your player or tracker, it does not support compressed stereo samples. Greetings go to everyone at the party place, in particular: abductee, Bitch, Bombe, Bugger, bundy, cupe, cyraxx, dfox, dojoe, eha, fgenesis, fieserwolf, fizzer, FRaNKy, Frauke, Hopper, jco, Kabuto, KamikaTze, lambdacore, las, Losso, Lycan, Madame, Medo, messy, MissCtrl, moqui, muhmac, Nekomono, Netpoet, Nightmare, nnorm, Nodepond, OhLi, payne, psykon, Raven, raYn, Rene, Seven, Skyrunner, T$, TMA, Topy, urs, Widdy, xq, xTr1m, xtrium, xxx and everyone we forgot. 31st of December 2016
Stratosphere Dreamesque Nasal Dephased Porpoise Gold Syn Ecta Bass Melancholy b Kick Snare Hat Closed Hat Open Crash Tom Snap Kool Snare 80s Tom Sub FM Creshendo Cymbal 909 Snare Bassy Kick PR-B-001-Dist Gtr 1 Tambourine Loop Drive Me Crazy Snare Hi Strings FX Down FX Up Stratosphere 036 Stratosphere 042 Stratosphere 048 Stratosphere 054 Stratosphere 060 Stratosphere 066 Stratosphere 072 Stratosphere 078 Stratosphere 084 Dreamesque 054 Dreamesque 060 Dreamesque 066 Nasal Nasal Dephased Porpoise Gold Syn 060 Ecta Bass 036 Ecta Bass 042 Ecta Bass 048 Melancholy b 060 TD-20 BD 101 TD-20 Snare 036 XE8 Hat Closed int_5 XE8 Hat Medium int_6 XR-20_339 DR-202_toms 008 DR-202_rim 019 DR-202_snare 048 DR-202_toms 012 Sub FM cres_F_med STAT7S7 BD_80sRom_ASRX2 Dist Gtr 1 066 Dist Gtr 1 072 Dist Gtr 1 078 Dist Gtr 1 084 58876__marvman__tambourin She Drives Me Crazy Hi Strings JB_Uplift_08
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Sweet! New to this site and MOD-files. Great tune to start off with. Thanks