Mealtime (
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Perhaps my first track themed on food. But not anything specific. Also another children's music attempt. Time to eat yet? Spoons recorded myself in Audacity using a consumer-level microphone in a headset (which explains the mains noise). Flute, pots and bowl samples from Trumpet and horn from standard MIDI soundbank found in PCs. Actual intended tempo is 180bpm swing rhythm. For it to play at exact tempo under 44100Hz, I set the base tempo to 150bpm instead with the tick per row value manipulated per row to 7-6-4-3. A normal 5-tick-per-row value (producing exactly 180bpm) was used in the beginning whenever there should be a spoon roll, as there were no melodic notes to interfere. But I had to make complicated adjustments to the arrangement of the spoon roll in the rest of the song for it to still sound consistent without breaking the rest of the rhythm. Composed by K. Jose April 14, 2018
French Horns flute-c2 Trumpet Clay-bowl-BM Clay-bowl-SM Clay-bowl-SoftM Clay-bowl-slap spoon-tip-lap spoon-cup-lap spoon-tip-hand spoon-cup-hand French Horns flute Trumpet clam-pot-hit-1 clam-pot-hit-5 clam-pot-hit-4 clam-pot-hit-3 clam-pot-hit-2
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