Enemy Forces (k_jose_-_enemy_forces.it)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 11th Nov 2018
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Enemy Forces Composed by K. Jose Audio quality based on an approximation of Game Boy Advance audio handling. 2 pulse 1 wavetable (len 32, 4-bit) 1 noise 2 software control/mixing PCM at 8-bit precision mixing at 32768Hz stereo 9-bit Taking into account limited memory, I restricted non-PSG samples to a cumulative maximum of 64KB (raw, before upsampling). I upsampled them without interpolation so it would still sound pretty much the way it was meant regardless of how you play it. So yeah, that's what bulked up the file size to almost 1MB. Inspired by game bosses. No samples ripped from games. Samples obtained from: *Saga Musix's sample collection from his website *freewavesamples.com Noise samples prepared in DefleMask. Other chip waves self-drawn. Note: len 32 waveforms were upsampled to higher len values with no interpolation. Position 19 (hex 13) contains GB/GBC-style version (PSG only).
Awesome Synth BD Snare BS1 LD1 Matrix Bell Sync Lead Choir Flute square square-pannedhalfvol 25% Pulse Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Noise Cymbal lv15 Noise Cymbal lv6 Noise Cymbal lv4 12.5 square right 12.5 r square right half Awesome Synth Boomy BD Analog Snare CS 01 High Sync Lead flute-c2 square 25 wave1 wave2 wave3 noisecrash untitled temp1 tmp1
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