Merrily Strolling (k_jose_-_merrily_strolling.xm)
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This tracker module has 2 arrangements based on 16-bit console sound specifications. First track is arranged based on the SPC700 chip (used in SNES) which uses samples. Recommended playback settings: Cubic or better interpolation, 32000Hz Second track is arranged based on the TG16 soundchip which uses single-cycle waveforms. Recommended resampling: No interpolation, 44100 or more Hz All samples sourced from VSCO 2 Community Edition, converted to bitcrushed 5-bit* single-cycle waveforms and small looping samples. C700 VST plugin used to process samples into SPC700 BRR format, then re-rendered from plugin as samples for filtering. *From a 16-bit base, normalized, volume reduced to 12.5%, converted to 8-bit, and amplified by 800% - resulting in approximately 5-bit precision.
Flute (TG16) Pizzicato (TG16) Bass (TG16) Clarinet (TG16) Flute (SPC700) Pizzicato (SPC700) Bass (SPC700) Clarinet (SPC700) Flute (TG16) Pizzicato (TG16) Bass (TG16) Clarinet (TG16) Flute (SPC700) Pizzicato (SPC700) Bass (SPC700) Clarinet (SPC700)
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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