Made for a specific night (
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Djego Flochs - Made for a specific night 2025 I tried something different with a quintuplet groove this time. The main idea started in the middle of a creative block right before the winter break, and it took many months until I could get some progress done. It ended up being highly inspired by a Darius' song. I hope someone will enjoy this tune as much as I do. Playback tested with Droidsoumd-E (libopenmpt).
Electric piano Electric piano reverb Pad 1 Pad 2 Saw Bass Something Drums Drop Detuned saw Detuned saw (F-4) Electric piano Made for Bass a Sawtooth specific Piano reverb/pad night Something m wobble by M wobble sus4 wobble Djego Kick Flochs Kick side DD5 clap Open hi-hat Dusty shake Reverb cowbell Glass Tambourine Hit Can Shake Soft crash Detuned m7 Detuned 7sus4 Detuned 6
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