Satisfaction Overload (
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Satisfaction Overload ____________________________(8bit version)____ Finally - it`s finished!! ... I have never sacrificed so much time to complete a song, I`d quess approx. 120-160 hours spend overall. I think that the knowing desicion to enter the Assembly`99 MP3 music compo with this one did the main influence, also I notice that it`s hard for me to let go of a song, and publish it, so it usually ends up being "overly produced". This certainly came out to be the most "commercial" sounding piece I`ve ever done, don`t know if it`s some- thing permanent, but it feels as if I`ve managed to leap into a new era with this. Really quite different from all my previous songs. The pattern structure and technique I`ve used remind me a bit of "Nothing Comes", but that`s all the resemblance there is to any of my previous songs. It felt really enjoyable to compose music based on ideas and not just playing around with notes like the case for me usually is. I figure that it`s part of the reason why this sounds so different and why the pattern structure is so light and simple. I think I have had a major influence by two of my very favorite composers, Enigma (M.Cretu) and Vangelis. I could swear I can hear a certain mix of Enigma and Vangelis here. Also some elements of influence might have come from from Sarah Brightman`s album "Dive". I had thought out nine different song titles from which to choose the best one, I hope you are "satisfied" with the current title ;) About versions _____________________ This is the 8bit version. I also recommend listening to the MP3 version of the song (if U liked this!), since it sounds better cause of the fine mix/edit that it`s been given based on the fully 16bit version. Contact ________________ Acumen is always open for comments and contacts, for business or for pleasure. Email: Webpage: Snailmail: Milan Kolarovic Hollontie 59 35320 Hirsila Finland Copyright (c) 1999 Acumen 5.8.1999 Milan Kolarovic
Drumloop (1) Open hihat Drumloop (2) Short Pad Long Pad Drumcomp.1 "Were having such ..." Drumcomp.2 Bass.1 Bass.2-1 Bass.2-2 Bass.2-3 Bass.2-4 "Yeah!" Camera sfx Crystal Rhodes Glider sfx Beeping signal sfx "Are U ready to have..." Reversed Cymbal Cymbal roll (l) Cymbal roll (r) FatBass (Warder) All samples except 4, 9,10,11,12,13 and 23 are original and are mixed&edited by Acumen. _________________ SHIFT+F9 for info _________________ My humble greetings>> Warder Zealan Westis Zealan Westis Skaven Tourach Awesome Anders A. Purple Motion __ Use IT2 for playback! __ Ac Drumloop (1) Hihat Ac Drumloop (2) Analogpad Ac Drumcomp.1 Vocal sfx.1 Ac Drumcomp.2 Bass.1 Bass.2 (1) Bass.2 (2) Bass.2 (3) Bass.2 (4) Vocal sfx.2 Snapshot! Rhodes Glider sfx Space Signal Vocal sfx.3 Reversed Cymbal Cymbal roll (left) Cymbal roll (right) FatBass _________________________ Satisfaction Overload (c) 1999 Acumen Duration: 4"40 Channels: 30/63 Version : 8bit Filename: AC-SO.IT Finished: 5th of August (Released: 1.9.1999) _________________________ ------ Email: ------ -------- Webpage: -------- ---------- Snailmail: ---------- Milan Kolarovic Hollontie 59 35320 Hirsila Finland ______ This was my contribution to the MP3 competition held at Assembly`99. Didn`t qualify to the final round (top15). ______
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This is quite an interesting piece of music. While I'm listening to it now, I find that the best part about it is the chords. The chords sound very orchestral and carry most of SO along. There's also a very dark feeling coming from the transposed Acumen vocal and the chords, again. There's a lot of depth here, too. Plenty of bass, percussion, synths, and sfx. It is a quite extra minute could have been cut off in truth. But, then again, I've been looping Satisfaction Overload for about 25 minutes in MPP, that could be it. No problems with pattern messiness, overused drumloops (there are 4), sample fussiness (most 8-bit, some 16-bit), poor panning, poorly used effects, or funky tempo changes. I also noticed that same great wind chime from Secret Hours that I'm using in my next IT :) Repetitiion is the only problem; I'd rather see more tech errors and have a lot of excellent melodies and musical changes than vice versa.