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*** Independence *** (tsec-id8.xm)

Info Summary

  • tsec-id8.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.07MB in size and has been downloaded 4331 times since Sun 18th Oct 1998 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 64379
  • Downloads: 4331
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: 368d7b1739a2a3ebd79e977070140b87
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 32
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.07MB
  • Genre: Electronic - Rave

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (8 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

Favourites People who like this tune

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Royzourboy on Fri 13th Mar 2015, rated 9 / 10.

Wow, this sounds a lot like Happy Hardcore! It's like a perfect blend of Dream Trance and Happy Hardcore, which are my very favorite types of electronic music. Excellent track. You are very talented, and this is some of your best work in my opinion!

member Posted by MFC42 on Fri 20th Jul 2001, rated 8 / 10.

Great song. This is sure my type of music, but it wasn't as good as some of the other mods I have reviewed, so I just couldn't give it a 10. It's very nice and advanced, but also a little boring at parts, or maybe because it sort of stays the same tune or comes back to what I already heard... I'm not too sure. Well, wonderful track. Excellent samples, great drums, fills, and pattern endings. Looks quite advanced. The song tunes quite well, but I couldn't help to notice that there are so many 8-bit samples in this track. Ah well, it's still a good song! :)

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Info Internal Texts *

  -= Independence =-
         -= rave =-


Another song by The
Solid Energy Crew!!!
Ok, not really rave,
but does it matter? =)
Made for the BMP compo

The Solid Energy Crew:

Andreas Viklund
Björn Karlsson
John Johansson


If you have comments,
then mail us at:

(C) 1998 by TSEC

by: TSEC
8-bit Version
Voice samples are


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* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
