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Title: Groovin' Santa
Filename: 2209-groovinsanta.xm
Posted Tue 15th Jun 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Well, I wouldn't ever have thought that you could actually write a song that sounded like Santa Grooving, but this little weird kinda funky tune has actually done it. It's a short, funky tune with a fast tempo and a happy sound. This is really a quite simple song, but sometimes the simple can be the most beautiful. It's based on a rather good drum riff and some bass, and the lead on top of that is some kind of a combination of strings and guitars. The song is only 2:20, which means it never gets too repetetive. Too bad it's over so soon.

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Title: Electric delusion
Filename: 00001.it
Posted Mon 14th Jun 1999
Rated 7 / 10
Well, the artist called this mod "House" in his comments... but it defenitely isn't house. The low profile, lots of drums, lots of bass and sounds fits it in perfectly as an ambient song. Nonetheless, it's a song with alot of feeling, the kind of feeling I'd imagine would fit in nicely as a soundtrack for a movie or a computer game, except for the whacko vocals and weird drum cascades that sound like they belong in an entirely different style. They're not even much house... This song has a really cool intro, starting off with a nice drumtrack and bass pressure, slowly adding up to some echoed synth hits and effects that give the song a really nice feeling. What about the sample quality? The sample quality is good. No noise or faulty loops can be heard whatsoever. Biggest mistake in this song was calling it "House", it's far too slow-moving and dark.

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Title: WHAT S UP ?
Filename: 4blounds.mod
Posted Mon 14th Jun 1999
Rated 1 / 10
Ehh... *gurgle*. I'm sure we all know this song. At least anyone who's had any kind of check on music, because this song was a big hit a few years ago. That was before this fellow came along and ruined it totally. This song now sounds like crap, with only drums and one or two synth instruments that were probably meant to sound like guitars but they dont. Congratulations! You have discovered the way to give someone a headache by just doing a crappy version of a good song. The samples are not very good, the amount of variation have suddenly gone down to zero, and the synth sounds are so horribly malplaced it's sad. The drums are plain and simple boring, and there's not much left of the song at all. So spare yourself the trouble of even caring, folks.

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Title: Second Sight
Filename: 2ndsight.xm
Posted Mon 14th Jun 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is a synth/guitar/piano ballad with an interesting mix. The synth and piano tracks have been masterly mixed, but the guitar background tracks become repetetive after a while, since they hardly change at all. The song gives off a calm and soothing feeling, even if the volumes could have been adjusted, as the song sounds alot right now, giving a slightly messy impression. Sample quality is good. The song has quite an interesting drum track, with accentuation on some odd beats, but as the volume of the hihat, for example, is left at the same level all the time, it sounds a bit rough. The crash gives off a slightly wimpy sound too, as it's been played too high and sounds almost like a splash, which really doesnt fit in with the mood of the rest of the song. All of these things are very small compared to the general feeling of the song though, and it is very relaxing and inspiring, so this one is certainly worth the download.

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Title: jungle juice
Filename: aa_jungl.xm
Posted Mon 14th Jun 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Jungle juice starts off with a really melodic and good intro, which fades into some chopper effects and noises that create a really good feeling to the sound image. Then the drums come into play and that pretty much ruins the song. The drums feel a bit unmatched to the rest of the song, and they tend to give the song a monotonous feeling. Sample quality of the drum samples is not that good, but the other samples are good. The added bird sound and other "noises" greatly add to the feeling of the song. Especially the beginning of this song is good, the rest of it sound a bit like the author suffered from lack of inspiration. Still, a good song to get if you like the style. Jungle juice is around 4:10 long.

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Title: resonance ii
Filename: resonance2.mod
Posted Sun 13th Jun 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Well this is a somewhere between demo/techno/trance-style song... oh and maybe a bit towards fantasy at times too. It's composed of some bass, piano, and synth samples, a rather standard drumtrack, and not much more. Some orchestral hits samples have also managed to find their way into the song, together with a flute sounding a bit like it doesnt belong there. This song has that certain "beginner" feeling... it has the standard things, but nothing you couldn't have made yourself after looking at a tracker for a week or so. Sample quality is okay, some of the samples even feel a bit familiar. All in all, a good tune, but nothing special.

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Title: marie
Filename: xr-marie.xm
Posted Sun 13th Jun 1999
Rated 10 / 10
You know the kind of music that carries in straight to your being and just gives you the shivers? That rare song you find maybe just once or twice a year... well here's one of those. "Marie" is an ambient track carried on some bass, a rather interesting and varied drumtrack and some soft guitars. On top of that are some vocals that fit in really well to the rest of the song. This is one song I'd defenitely rush off and buy a CD for... if it wasn't a mod. Well there's really nothing to complain about, the sample quality is really good, the song is almost 5 minutes long full of constantly varied and interesting music. From the beginning to the end, all the way through this is a swaying and turning song, never getting repetetive. The vocals deserve to be mentioned too, because they are of a really high standard, and are used in a way that's breathtaking. To sum it all up, just about one of the best mods I've ever heard, and one of my favourite songs too, from now on.

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Title: phurther - by xerxes
Filename: xr-phur.xm
Posted Thu 10th Jun 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Phurther is rather fast for an ambient tune, but still has the low profile of one. It contains a cover of strings that ease out the background really nicely, and a haunting flute or something similar that melts a melody into the background. To this is added one rather hard drumbeat, and some vocals, and the wonder's done. This song has alot of charm in its low-profile strings and bass line coupled with the clear vocals. Let's start with the sample quality: The samples in this song are simply good. The vocals lift the entire song and makes it rather special, in the way they are used too. The drum tracks are interesting, with the added effects as side percussion, though it is a bit loud compared to the background of strings sometimes, giving the song an empty feeling in some few short sections.

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Title: 12 ako...
Filename: 12ako.mod
Posted Tue 8th Jun 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is very nice to be a .mod with very few channels. It's not very realistic, but still has good use of the guitar samples and drums. It's a bit short, so you never really get into the tune before it's over. That's a pity, because this could have evolved into something good. Not the best of samples, especially not the bass samples and the distorted guitars, but a pretty good usage of the channels. All in all, not a very sophisticated song, but it works, and it sounds ok. Could've been longer though....

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Title: First Love
Filename: 1stluv.xm
Posted Tue 8th Jun 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Here's a ballad i most surely hope was written by a novice. It has that plinging sound you often get in the beginning, the strings are off, and there are some places in the song where there are what seems to be "bugs" where several tracks just sound horrible at the same time. Well... sample quality is ok, except for the strings that are out of tune. The tempo slide in the middle of the song sounds really odd, and there are some places where it sounds like the artist simply forgot to turn off some channels, sounding like a steam boat rather than music. I think what this tracker needs is to simply get the hang of the program and train. There's always more to learn around the next corner.

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Title: 7th_fmu2.xm
Filename: 7th_fmu2.xm
Posted Tue 8th Jun 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Well here's something different... a funk tune. Based on a funky drum riff, some bass tones, and a few funky guitar samples, gives this song a quite different groove. It's too bad it lacks some finer things, and some parts of it where it's just drums and bass feels almost like they lack something too fill up the emptyness. Something of a more lead style than the guitar added might have made the tune a hit. The sample quality is rather good, but the song falls a bit on it's pure lack of samples, making the comp guitar, bass, and drum tracks a bit boring. More variations, more samples, more everything... except more length. Thats what's needed. Still if you like a funky, a bit different song, get this one.

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Title: For What You've Done -GA-
Filename: 4wtudone.it
Posted Mon 7th Jun 1999
Rated 9 / 10
This piano tune is a relaxed piece of music that very much sounds like a real piano piece. The beats are a bit too perfect through the entire peice to be played live, and the tempo variations are too small compared to a real piano player, but other than that it is really well made. The fact that the song is 7 minutes long is a bit confusing, especially if you play it on repeat, as it sounds like a 2 minute song. Very repetetive and a bit montonous, but a really nice piano track. The piano samples are really good, but with a bit too much reverb maybe, leaving a bit of a "sound soup" in the background. The percussion tracks have been left at the same volume level throughout the song, which make them sound kinda "hard" compared to the rest of the song. The variations in the level on the song is good, but the piano and drum variations are a bit lacking.

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Title: New Forest
Filename: aa_newfo.xm
Posted Mon 7th Jun 1999
Rated 7 / 10
New Forest is a soft, ambient tune composed mostly of synth strings, and soft soothing sounds. It reminds me of those CD's that you can buy at some places, called Nature songs. The background "noises" in this song, and the overall feeling gives an impression of a cool summer night out on the countryside. The artist manages to convey all these feelings to the listener (ehh, me), which is really good. Sample quality is good, except for a loop on the strings that is slightly off. The percussion used is quite different from normal songs, in that it's not heard much. A hihat carries the main rythm, and some others, very very light drums fill in in some places. I think this is very suiting, and skillfully done. Now to the downside of things, is the impression that nothing happens through the song. Very good as background music, but nothing I'd like to listen to and concentrate on. A longer song, and with wider swings, would have made the perfect tune.

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Title: Forever Yours
Filename: 4ever.s3m
Posted Sun 6th Jun 1999
Rated 3 / 10
Well, to be honest, i really thought this was a 4-channel amiga mod. It is a 16 channel screamtracker module, but it sounds like if the artist hasn't used more than four channels at the same time. The note changes are rough, especially the strings. The entire song sounds empty in a way, like there's something missing. It reminds me in a way of someone sitting with a guitar just trying out different tones. String sample loop isn't that good, but other than that it's ok. Effects use is real bad, as is volume control, and not shifts. Other than that, the song is.... well, really... not much. Uninspiring, and not very well performed. Based on a good idea, perhaps, but it didn't turn out anywhere near good.

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Title: For a friend
Filename: 4afriend.mod
Posted Wed 2nd Jun 1999
Rated 7 / 10
For a friend is a simple synth ballad or soft, almost soundtracklike song, with lots of synth strings. It's well made, for sure, but without much variations and it doesn't come forward as being something special. Sample quality is good, and the artist has used te four channels in a good way. The drum tracks you use some more variations, as could the string and bass tracks. Especially the drum track feels like there's something missing, which probably comes from the fact that the only accentuation used is a hard hit on the snare, no cymbal. All in all, a good song, but nothing special.

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Title: Finnish Spring Morning
Filename: 00002.it
Posted Wed 2nd Jun 1999
Rated 4 / 10
This piano ballad song is another one of those songs that should be so good, if the artist had learned not to forget some of those crusial steps in tracking (I know it's hard, trust me I've made the same mistakes myself). The idea and the progression of the song is magnifient, starting with a piano part and moving over into bass and strings to finish off with a magnificent electric guitars feeling... So, what brings this great song down? Well... the samples of course. The first impression you get is that: this doesn't sound right. It doesn't, because some of the samples are out of tune. Really out of tune. Other than that, the sample quality is fine, except for one or two of the drum samples that sound a bit noisy. Also, a real drumtrack would have some accentuation, like a cymbal or something.

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Title: 92029
Filename: 92029.it
Posted Wed 2nd Jun 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This is one of these songs that are really hard to review again, because they're split into parts of different music. This one contains some really crappy parts and one really really good one. Now that one isn't that long, and the rest of the song just contains senseless beating, so the rating doesn't get very high. Sample quality is okay, but the song lacks finesse entirely. The drums are at the volume level where they almost cover everything else and a not-so-great bass drum sample beating faster than everything else doesnt add to the sensation. The part with guitars is really nice, especially since just there the artist chose to calm the drumbeat down a little, letting the rest of the music come through.

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Title: 11.1
Filename: 11-1.mod
Posted Wed 2nd Jun 1999
Rated 3 / 10
I think almost everyone that hears this will recognize it... and I can say for sure, that everyone that does will have heard a better version of it. A much better version as a matter of fact. Starting with a part you'll recognize but with a horrible instrument, but then going into some kind of far out phase that's mostly just emptyness, without any real harmony or melody. Sample quality is rotten. The intro is one long bass sample with an entirely horrible loop. The drumtrack lacks alot of everything that'd make it come close to a real drumtrack. This artist certainly has alot left to learn, no doubt about that.

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Title: 30th-November!.v4
Filename: 30th-nov.xm
Posted Wed 2nd Jun 1999
Rated 8 / 10
I guess there has been alot of work going into this song, if it's version 4. And you can hear it too, this song contains no flaws whatsoever on the musical side. However, it's not that innovative either. It's a good tune, varied, not too long, but nothing new. Like stated before, this is almost driven to perfection, in all aspects except for samples. They probably haven't been changed since the work on the song started, and as the author states, work started on an amiga, and so the samples too are "typical" amiga samples. Not bad sample quality, but not overwhelming either. Like the rest of the song I guess... but still worth listening to.

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Title: 125bpm calms me down
Filename: 125.xm
Posted Tue 1st Jun 1999
Rated 7 / 10
This is a relaxing tune, based mostly on chimes, without much percussion at all. This is the kind of tune I imagine would fit in nicely as game music for a role playing game, and it works fine if you just want something to listen to while you close your eyes and lean back for a second. 125bpm calms me down, as the mystical title says, contains a whole lot of subtle sounds. Small, soft brass hits can be heard if you turn up the volume a bit, close your eyes and just listen. The only drums there is is some soft hihat hits with a very low volume. All the samples have a high quality. It's not a long song, just 1:32, and that makes the amount of variations perfect.

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Title: 2010
Filename: 2010.mod
Posted Tue 1st Jun 1999
Rated 1 / 10
2010... 2010 reasons not to listen to this. This tune is made up of 16 minutes and 23 seconds of mostly beeps, noise, and things that hurt your ears. The artist clearly has no concept whatsoever on what harmony is about. This song would not be fun to listen to for 16 seconds, and it defenitely isn't worth the download time, nor wasting 16 minutes of your life to listen to it. Don't. I guess maybe this was an experiment to try to define the words "repetetive" or "montonous" or something like that. The artist leaving out his name might have been a safety precation or just by plain feeling of guilt for releasing something like this. The sample quality is somewhere between not-ok and ok, some samples are good and others sound horrible. The fact that no energy has been spent on tuning the samples doesnt make it much better either. So my advice to the tracker is: learn how to write music! and to everyone else: stay damn clear of this tune and dont waste a perfectly good 16 minutes on it.

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Title: 3d-demo-ii theme
Filename: 3d-demo-ii.mod
Posted Tue 1st Jun 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This is a rather short demo/techno tune that is composed mainly from drum tracks and beeps. It would be entirely boring, if it wasnt for the small piece of vocals included... they really lift of the tune. Fine as a demo tune i suppose, but to listen to as music doesn't give too much. Luckily, this song is only 2:45, so it contains enough variations to survive. Listening to that same drumbeat for much longer would have driven anyone crazy. The sample quality is good enough for the purpouse. Even if the drum loop is really good, it's not enough to make it all the way... too bad.

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Title: 127 ISSA
Filename: 127.it
Posted Tue 1st Jun 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This tune is very hard to place... It starts off really good, makes a belly-flop with a not-so-good bassline after about a minute, and then redeems itself to end in a reasonably good way. The strings and drum tracks are really nice, but some of the bass line and the lead synth tracks are nothing short of horrible in the middle of the song. The sample quality of the bass line is really good, and the drum samples are good too. Some of the bass/synth samples are way noisy, especially the way they're used. The vocal samples are weird, but ok... they actually fit in pretty nicely to the way the rest of the song is. I think what this artist needs is to sit down, take a deep breath and listen to his song, get some perspective on it.

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Title: Plaztic Sounds
Filename: 1plastic.xm
Posted Tue 1st Jun 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Only one thing really confuses me about this tune... why plastic? It sounds more metallic to me. Oh well, "Plaztic Sounds" is a 2 minute long experiment in different beats and sounds. "I wanted to make something odd, and I made this" as the artist notes. Well that's right, and I think it turned out pretty well. The sample quality is good, and especially the synth pad samples that make up the entire base for the song sounds really cool. Most of the drum tracks is a bass drum rythm and some different low drum fills on that. It adds further to the feeling of the song.

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Title: Through The Light
Filename: aa_light.xm
Posted Mon 31st May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
Through The Light is a slow synth ballade with an intriguing percussion beat and a good bass line followed by a quiet and melodic lead tune. This song is a masterpiece when it comes to building up a mood and conveying a feeling to the listener. The sample quality is good in this song, which is pretty important when it comes to these slower tunes. The song has an almost perfect length, ending before it gets boring but long enough to avoid an abrupt ending. A plus also to the nice format of the song, the story in the sample space could keep you occupied while you listen to the song, more than once.

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Title: 1234.s3m
Filename: 1234.s3m
Posted Mon 31st May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Ehm, well, now... weird is not enough. Anyone feel like telling me what those lyrics are? Makes no sense to me. They're cool anyway. This is a rather exciting song, the lyrics seem to spice it up further. Apart from that, this song is an interesting mix of all sorts of sounds and instruments. Sample quality is ok. The drum tracks could be more well-made and thought through, especially the snare reintroduktions, that almost hurt your ears. Some panning positions sound all off too. This tune clearly leans more on inspiration and imagination than on skillful tracking.

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Title: 1989
Filename: 1989.mod
Posted Mon 31st May 1999
Rated 5 / 10
This industrial / techno beat begins with a very industial-like type of sound and then progresses more and more into a techno tune. The intro is very promising, but it seems to me the artist must not really have known what he wanted to do with the song. As the song progresses, it gets less and less interesting to listen to, and by the end of the 4:13 that make up the song, I'd gotten more or less tired of it. It created a weird effect when my player repeated the song... "Wow, this was it so good at the beginning?" The sample quality is ok, especially if you concider that this is a .mod, probably written a while ago as the title suggests. The drum track could use some more variations but gets pretty much help from all the different metal hits, and other odd sounds used as an extra percussion set.

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Title: Four wheel drive
Filename: 4WD.S3M
Posted Mon 31st May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
"Four wheel drive" is a catchy little synth/pop tune that starts off with a really nice bass track. The ride through the rest of the song is a really interesting journey with everything from organs to weird synth samples. All that in 3:25, that's not bad. Most of the samples are high quality, especially the loops have been fitted in a professional way. Some of the drum samples sound like noise and nothing else... I don't know if this is the way the artist intended it to be or not, but it doesn't sound very good. Other than that, only one more thing: He could have spelled his name in plain text...

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Title: I want 2 b a hippy
Filename: 2bahippy.mod
Posted Mon 31st May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is an... "odd" module. But that is, odd in a good way, mostly. "I want 2 b a hippy" has a very uncommon concept for mods, as it builds most of what makes it good from the lyrics. Most of the song seems to have been built up from loops of different kinds, and it's turned out pretty good. It's pretty reasonable to think that this might have been some kind of an experiment in music. Well the sample quality is not the greatest, but who cares? This song is carried by the lyrics and the feeling. The intro is simply wonderful, up until the point where the drumloop enters, as it sounds slightly off. Transitions are not the greatest, seem a bit abrupt, but that's not very strange for a .mod either. It might not be the kind of tune you download, to enjoy listening to the harmony, relax or dance to, but it's simply worth hearing. The song is 3 minutes long, which seems to have been a perfect length for having room for a whole range of experiments. One word explains it pretty good: "interesting".

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Title: 111.mod
Filename: 111.MOD
Posted Mon 31st May 1999
Rated 4 / 10
111 is a mod that gives off two types of sounds: 1. It sounds like the artist tried to get too many sounds in at once, and 2. It sounds unfinished. These two things together bring what is commonly known as a headache to some people. Even if you're lucky enough to not be one of these people, I doubt that you'll like it very much if you're not really into this style of music. The sample quality is good. The transitions in the song are really bad, instruments fading into and out of each others with no apparent control whatsoever. That, combined with the fact that some of the samples are pretty detuned, which makes the song sound nothing short of horrible in some parts.

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Title: " i got u "
Filename: 7th_igot.xm
Posted Mon 31st May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
There is a trend in trance music and music in that part of the musical spectra to write long songs. I think maybe this is why some artists seem to write longs songs even if they're not quite good enough at varying the contents. "I got U" is a great example of this. The music is varied, but, for a seven and a half minutes long song, it's not quite enough. Especially the vocals are in desperate need of variations. After the 20ieth time that sample was played, I'd gotten tired of it. Now don't get me wrong, "I got U" is not a bad song... it just needs more... and I'm not talking about time. The sample quality is good, even if my first impression was that a change of the bass drum, or at least a raising of it's volume would do the song good. The beginning of the song is rather innovative, and it'd be great, except for the fact that nothing really happens until after one and a half minutes into the song. More variations, or simply a shortening of the song, and this could get close to a masterpiece.

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Title: 8t-alone.xm
Filename: 8t-alone.xm
Posted Mon 31st May 1999
Rated 7 / 10
A nice ambient tune, heavy drums covered by some light strings, some light plinging sounds, and a simple bass line. Not much more is added, and more isn't really needed. The strings give off a feeling, and this sadness is what keeps the song alive. Some effects added seem to spice up the atmosphere a bit. Since the song is only 3:11 long, it feels ok that it's not too varied in its drum or bass tracks. The strings seem to take the front position together with the soft synth plings. The string samples are of a good quality and the loop is nearly perfect. The only sample that seem to be a bit clipped is the bass drum.

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Title: The Jungle Escape
Filename: aa_tjesc.xm
Posted Mon 31st May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
The Jungle Escape is a rather monotonous techno track, not because it's lacking variations in the music, but the fact that the drum track is really boring. A few variations of the same heavy beating drum track is used throughout the song, no matter what the other music is or what the overall volume is. The sample quality is good, except for some of the drum loops, that sound more or less horribly distorted, and a few of the other drums, who seem to be a bit noisy and of poor sampling quality. Vore variations in the drum tracks would be nice, even if a few of the variations that do exist are really good, like in a break where the percussions go down to just a pounding bass drum and a hihat. That creates a really nice mood to the song.

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Title: 128 state(jld)
Filename: 128state.mod
Posted Mon 31st May 1999
Rated 5 / 10
Right back into the days of amiga kingdom! This is a techno tune that carries that typical sound that techno tunes did on the amiga, and it's not strange: the options were limited in a four track protracker module. Still, the artist has managed to pull of a rather decent techno track. So if you haven't gotten tired of those hard synth techno tracks from the amiga days yet, get this mod. Well, what do you expect of the samples here? According to the author, the samples were recorded on a C64 (!) using voicetracker... and you can hear it. The synth pads are ok, but the bass samples are moving towards noise, with a loop on that bass sample that'd scare any musician. The quality of the drum samples is rotten, to say the least. They've been nicely clipped to generate a whole lot of distortion and they're noisy too. This could have turned out much better than it did.

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Title: UnreaL ][ - The 2ND Reality
Filename: 2ND_SKAV.S3M
Posted Sun 30th May 1999
Rated 8 / 10
This is supposed to be start / end music, which shows in how it's been kinda chopped up into parts. It's still a really good tune, the kettle drums and strings build up a really good mood around it. The accelerated tempo gives the tune a nice variation and some really interesting turns. Very good... though, since this is a demo tune, and chopped up into several parts with pauses in between them, make sure you play this in Scream Tracker or Impulse Tracker to get everything right. Sample quality is pretty good. Those kettle drums have been used in an awesome way.

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Title: UnreaL ][ / PM
Filename: 2ND_PM.S3M
Posted Sun 30th May 1999
Rated 9 / 10
Purple Motion... as usual he manages to pull of a real nice tune. The total length of this track is 6:42, and yet it manages to keep you listening really close all the way. I found them a very enjoying 6:42, and I'm sure most others will too. Once again showing the skill possessed, UnreaL ][ has everything you'd expect and a bit more. The sample quality is good. The vocals are used in a way that's pretty unusual for mods, which spices up the listening experience. 99.99% right from the beginning to the end, get this mod. Now. Get it. Get it!

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Title: 2 Fun 2 B True
Filename: 2fun2btr.xm
Posted Sun 30th May 1999
Rated 4 / 10
I certainly hope it's not the song itself that's supposed to be too fun to be true, because it isn't. After one of the song's four minutes, I'd already gotten tired of it. This mod certainly needs more variations if it should be interesting to listen to. The sample quality is ok. The drumbeat and rythm is well made, except for the tempo change after about half the song, which sounds pretty unproffessional. Not really worth it if you don't really really want something in this style.

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Title: 2 Forget U / Dj Yan
Filename: 2forget.it
Posted Sun 30th May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
This is a pretty typical Dance/Techno tune. "2 Forget U" is 4 minutes 25 seconds long, with a heavy drumbeat, and piano / synth tracks that bring my thoughts to Robert Miles' "Children". The tune is pretty catchy, but I can't help feeling like I've heard it all before. The samples are of good quality, and especially the synth pad samples are really cool, they carry the song along. If it weren't for these synth samples, this song would have been even more boring than it turned out to be now.

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Title: 2 Twisted Dwarfes
Filename: 2d.it
Posted Sun 30th May 1999
Rated 6 / 10
Well, this song has the longest intro I've seen in a long time, half the song. That's where the drums come into play and that's what I think is the biggest variation in this song. It sounds good, yes, but not 40 times in a row... this is about as monotonous as music can get. The sample quality is high, especially the synth sounds and that bass drum that threatened to mash my brain with an huge onslaught. All in all, 2 Twisted Dwarfes could be a very nice tune, if something happened in it. As it is now, it ends up mostly boring.

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Title: 2bseen.xm
Filename: 2bseen.xm
Posted Sun 30th May 1999
Rated 9 / 10
To be seen, according to the author, is not one of his best tunes. Well, if that's true, then I'd certainly want to hear more of what he's done. The variations between piano, drums, and electronic wails in this song is great, and the buildup of feeling is huge. That, together with that lead track that gets stuck in your head quite easily makes this song really worth listening to. The intro of this song is really well made, up to a "Kick it, and pump it up now!". The drum track that starts there is not perfect, but very good indeed. Blending in piano must have been a stroke of genious. Even though it's just 2:45, this song contains more variations and is more exciting than many other techno songs that are 5 or more minutes long.
