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Jester's Profile


Artist Statistics

  • i Modules in Archive: 154
  • i Overall Member Rating: 8.7 (from 94 comments).
  • i Overall Reviewer Rating: 0 (from 0 reviews).
  • i Total Downloads: 543261
  • i Stats Updated: 2025-03-31 05:02:11
  • information icon Modarchive ID: 69138

Jester was spotlit on:

  • 28th December 2021
  • 26th October 2013
  • 31st August 2010
  • 6th August 2007
Profile Picture


Been off the modscene for a long, long time. Did my tracking on the Amiga demoscene between 1989 and 1994 in/for groups like Treacl (sic!), Proton Ltd., RSI, Sanity, Rebels and Pygmy Projects

Got turned back on during a great night when I followed the Evoke 2010 on the net thanks to SceneSat Radio.

Doing a netlabel these days called iD.EOLOGY - well worth checking out.

Find some of my ambient stuff there, too. The handle is Oddjob. On my artist page there are links to the music underneath the infotext.

Jester's messages

Last 10 messages:
From: biygas
23:31 on 22nd September 2019

THE Jester? from Delta-4?

From: HellasPhoros
00:00 on 6th June 2016

Thank you for everything.

Your music is cherrished!

From: m0d
21:14 on 29th April 2014

Hey Jester,

Some time ago I did a *cough* remix of Stardust Memories performed on a Japanese Otamatone. Did you see it? Although links won't work here, here is the link to the YT version, they kick in when the main melody does :)


From: aNdy_AL_Cosine
22:17 on 29th August 2013

The 'great' Jester! Loved your Amiga stuff back in the day. Best wishes from a C64 scener...

From: Saga Musix
01:40 on 5th August 2011
Saga Musix

Hey, Evoke 2011 is next weekend. Didn't you want to attend? :)

From: Jester To: KSJPKaZgv
01:12 on 15th January 2011

KSJPKaZgv: Thanks a bundle. I appreciate guys like you who honour my stuff after a good 20 years.

Re: Thanks Jester you rock! Elysium is one of the best piece of music I've ever heard. It doesn't get old!

From: KSJPKaZgv
02:44 on 14th January 2011

Thanks Jester you rock! Elysium is one of the best piece of music I've ever heard. It doesn't get old!

From: MetaFlossy
04:47 on 23rd September 2010

omg. i love you :D <3

From: Jester To: Ultrasyd
22:32 on 9th September 2010

Ultrasyd: Thanks so much! I really appreciate people still remembering and enjoying my mods after almost 20 years' time.

Re: THANK YOU for Elysium, best MOD ever ; ) I just can't get enough of this tune !

From: Ultrasyd
21:54 on 5th September 2010

THANK YOU for Elysium, best MOD ever ; ) I just can't get enough of this tune !

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