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Title: Minimum Velocity Filename: MINIMUM.S3M |
Posted Tue 10th Aug 2010
Rated 8 / 10 |
With only two channels used and just over 52kb this is exceptionally well done. Most of us can't make this song in 4 channels. The intro could have been done without 2 patterns, but when the real melody starts it only becomes more and more interesting. The theme of the melody returns throughout the song, but changes slightly in many patterns or changes a lot in a couple of patterns. Therefor it never gets boring and is the song very likable. With, as said, only two channels, but a bassline, a drum, a melody and great fillouts, this is technically an musically spoken very good. |
Title: Lost memories in Iraq Filename: |
Posted Wed 26th Jun 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
It is obvious what Segeeo tried to do in his module 'Lost Memories in Iraq'. The tension is feelable and well done. Two drumsequences are used correctly and are special to listen to. The melody with the sample that sounds a bit like a hapsichord is very good; it's a little Eastern melody, which puts you right into Iraq. It echos all around. This module can't be consigned to oblivion, but stays in the background because the idea has not been worked out totally. For example, the song can use more support from a basssample or a deep, low string. Such modifications will make the module more reliable, a bit longer in time and the listener wouldn't have the feeling that this song was placed on Modarchive too early. But, of course, to get that feeling you should download it and listen for yourself. Simple comments as offset and panning are used very effective. While the sequences are being placed nicely as written above, Segeeo should try to use lonely samples to make a beat in the pattern. Adding some volumeslides, some other instruments and a bridge somewhere around pattern 14 would help a lot. Then it could and would have a higher technical value. |
Title: Oracle Filename: |
Posted Wed 26th Jun 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
The composer Abyss tried to make a techno/trance-song in which he succeeded allright. In first the curiosity awakens, and the listener wants to hear more of it. A technosong is mostly quite 'patternized': in every new pattern a new beat, bass or melody added until an explosion rolls out to a silence after which the song is built up again. To avoid this simplicity the composer can use a simple melody that covers more patterns, so the song will never become dull or boring. In 'Oracle' such a melody is needly missed. The beat differs slightly, but not enough. There's no melody at all and the effects on the music are ok, but poor. The curiosity in the beginning of the song will fade away as soon as a couple of minutes pass. Though everything in this song can be better, Abyss did allright. It's worth downloading and listening, especially when you are going to a danceparty. Just to come in. Abyss will make some progress in the near future. Then he'll probably get higher marks. The samples are all ripped as written in the comment-list of the song. The samples are average but well used in the module. 'Oracle' has 24 channels, but it would be technically much better if Abyss used only 8, what's possible, because there is never one moment that all channels are on. Only some volumeslides in the hihat, but a nice panning in channel 13 and 14 most of the module. To improve this, such a panning could be used in many more samples and channels. The spoken words are used correctly and they give some variation. With some high tunes and more breaks this would be a much better song. The basis is there, but some basics are missing. |
Filename: pegase_-_tf4intro.mod
Rated 2 / 10
Not a song in itself.