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DavidN's Profile


Artist Statistics

  • i Modules in Archive: 65
  • i Overall Member Rating: 8.8 (from 20 comments).
  • i Overall Reviewer Rating: 0 (from 0 reviews).
  • i Total Downloads: 114068
  • i Stats Updated: 2024-06-16 00:13:33
  • information icon Modarchive ID: 69348
Profile Picture


I've been writing electronic melodic rock/power metal in Modplug Tracker since around 2000. This is sometimes a difficult format to replicate using a computer, and as a result, my music has been described as very SNES-like, and even as the genre 'Amiga Metal'.

Lyrics to my songs are included in the Comments, but aren't sung in the files themselves - I use a flute sample to stand in for a voice, as I have tried to fit my voice to my music a couple of times and the results have been pretty disastrous. Think of them as computer-music conversions of real songs, or something like that.

DavidN's messages

Last 10 messages:
From: Arne Puszelski
18:22 on 16th May 2009
Arne Puszelski

Hey DavidN, very good power metal tracks. Thank you and keep on composing like this!

From: DavidN To: Pip Malt
20:28 on 28th April 2009

Pip Malt: Hi Pip, I need to check this thing more often :) I'll have a look at those once I'm home from work.


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