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Cavernio's Comments

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Title: mechanism eight - necros/fm
Filename: MECH8.S3M
Posted Wed 5th Nov 2008
Rated 9 / 10
I really like this song, and I've got a question if anyone knows. This song is used in Unreal Tournament II I believe, and I just want to know if necros/fm were the original writers of this song, or if this was put into Unreal, and if so, are the other songs for other levels also one or both of their making?

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Title: Blubbiest Places
Filename: ybblub.s3m
Posted Thu 6th Mar 2008
Rated 10 / 10
The melody and harmony themselves are simple but good, making it quite catchy. Enough repetition without becoming boring, with a neat little minor section in the middle that still keeps the theme and feel of this bubbly song. The bubbliness though, comes from the instruments used. They totally make the song what it is, and are put together perfectly to make a very polished, very unique sound. Definitely good enough for me to have add it to my regular play list, and for me to have listened to it a few times in a row.

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Title: lib-river2.xm
Filename: lib-river2.xm
Posted Thu 6th Mar 2008
Rated 8 / 10
I like this better than the original river file.