For a long time, I played music on my PC, an old 80286 system, with a sound card I made myself out of simple logic and a resistor network. It was 8 bits at first then 16. I used a mod player that could use a "resistor card" to play music.
Then I got a Gravis Ultrasound, and wow... I was amazed.
Title: UnreaL ][ / PM
Filename: 2ND_PM.S3M
Rated 10 / 10
For a long time, I played music on my PC, an old 80286 system, with a sound card I made myself out of simple logic and a resistor network. It was 8 bits at first then 16. I used a mod player that could use a "resistor card" to play music.
Then I got a Gravis Ultrasound, and wow... I was amazed.