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Drozerix's Profile


Artist Statistics

  • i Modules in Archive: 76
  • i Overall Member Rating: 8.4 (from 55 comments).
  • i Overall Reviewer Rating: 0 (from 0 reviews).
  • i Total Downloads: 220438
  • i Stats Updated: 2025-03-31 05:08:33
  • information icon Modarchive ID: 84702

Drozerix was spotlit on:

  • 30th July 2013
  • 3rd May 2012
Profile Picture


I found a love for chiptunes in the 90s and I've been making my own tunes since the 2000s. I was a member of the demoscene group NERVE and worked on various projects under them. Now I mainly just focus on code related projects; however, I try to write music when I can.

Featured Tunes of Mine
Here's a small sample list of some of my tunes. Let me know what you think!

4_RNDD! (4_rndd!.xm)
Girl From Mars (girl_from_mars.xm)
Poppy Flower Girls (drozerix_-_poppy_flower_girls.xm)
Crush (drozerix_-_crush.xm)
Dream Candy (drozerix_-_dream_candy.xm)
Chica-pop! (drozerix_-_chica-pop!.xm)

I do NOT recommend XMPlay. The balance of the tune will most likely be off [for instance, the white noise and panning may be extra loud or certain effects may not be played correctly]. If you like the way the tune sounds with xmplay then that's fine. Just be aware that some of my songs are not too compatible with it.

Feel free to use my music in whatever (PC game, video, program etc.)
Give credit if you want or not. It's whatever, but I do appreciate it.

Some Inspirations
(Not in any particular order);
Strobe, Ghidorah, Dualtrax, Pink, Stalker, Maktone

Contact Info
My Facebook:

My SoundCloud:

My Youtube:

Looking for a composer? Feel free to reach out to me :) .. or if you just want to say hi, you can use the email address below to contact me:


Drozerix's messages

Last 10 messages:
From: Jibby To: Jibby
02:38 on 13th March 2024

Jibby: Sorry *Drozerix!

Re: Hi Dozerix! Thank you for making these incredible tunes, and for making them public domain too! I really love the vibes of all your tracks and I especially love Digital Rendezvous, so much so that I made it the main theme for my game, Flappy Race! It's a free and open source multiplayer game and I've used a few other tracks of yours too if you want to see your tunes in action: https://jibby-games.itch.io/flappy-race

From: Jibby
02:37 on 13th March 2024

Hi Dozerix!
Thank you for making these incredible tunes, and for making them public domain too!

I really love the vibes of all your tracks and I especially love Digital Rendezvous, so much so that I made it the main theme for my game, Flappy Race!

It's a free and open source multiplayer game and I've used a few other tracks of yours too if you want to see your tunes in action: https://jibby-games.itch.io/flappy-race

From: Plazmarine
07:38 on 9th October 2022

Love your tunes man, great to hear public domain mods that aren't janky. I really dig that crunchy C64 sound.

I may consider remixing "Reloaded Insanity" and "Poppy Flower Girls" sometime if that is alright.

From: DiR3C7_H4CK
00:35 on 7th June 2019

¡¡¡Hello, Drozeirx!!! =D ¡I've listened to your music of AOE Definitive Edition CODEX cracktro! ^_^

From: wvl
13:56 on 14th September 2018

Thanks for the comment!

From: CryptographicSponge
14:12 on 1st August 2016

Hi Drozerix! Love your work. I featured some of your public domain modules as demos in my probject, a Javascript XM player. Check it out at: https://artefact2.github.io/libxm.js/

From: Hakken
11:37 on 1st July 2015

Really like "Girl From Mars". Great work :)

From: Peak
01:34 on 14th May 2015

Still waiting for a new release ;)

From: neurosys
23:26 on 1st January 2015

Oh thanks buddy. I've seen your comment a couple years later, but thanks still.

From: isaacrmhmd
02:33 on 28th September 2014

Very nice songs man! Level 33 is my favorite. Do you have twitter account?

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