This piece of music at first made me think it was simple, but then it unravelled into a chiptune piece of glory and hope that I see in many pieces of techno music that I listen to.
Technique, Arrangement, Composition (7/10)
Although this may be simple it still uses well co-ordinated stops and starts of differnt parts further into the music.
Development (8/10)
This piece is very balanced with the correct amount of music coming out of both speakers with drifting co-ordination through the speakers.
Creativity (6/10)
This piece uses some well timed "smashes" of beat to keep you interested and not turn the music off. Although it goes on a bit it is still creative near the beggining and end.
Enjoyment (5/10)
Although this piece of music is very repetetive I would have it on in the background as a piece to entertain while doing something else. Aswell as this it doesn't use a wide variety of differnt tunes inside the tune itself.
satellites - satellites.xm
Review Score: 7/10
Overall Impression (8/10)
This piece of music at first made me think it was simple, but then it unravelled into a chiptune piece of glory and hope that I see in many pieces of techno music that I listen to.