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Assassin's Comments

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Title: Retribution
Filename: 04retrib.it
Posted Thu 2nd Jun 2016
Rated 8 / 10
I made this track, my name is Joni Kantonen. You can contact me at joni.kantonen@gmail.com. I used the nick Hangover to make tracked metal mods in 98-1999 with Impulse Tracker. In July 99 I changed my nick to Assassin and released more metal mods and experimented a bit with other genres too.

I think one of my last modules was "Abuse", which had my own guitar samples. It's dated 17 Oct, 2001. Soon after that I played a few years of guitar, lost interested in tracked music, and eventually lost interest in guitar playing, too.

Ever since I've had the desire to start making music again and sometimes even downloaded some software, but never took the time to make any tracks again.