I love this track for its frequency coverage, instrument spotlight shifting, and combined drums.
I also keep coming back just to hear that second part.
The harmony doesn't seek the originality, it stays on a simple line, and makes itself as good as it can while on it. Works for me.
Technique, Arrangement, Composition (7/10)
The track demonstrates simple but effective technical feats like double delay on the main tune, and simple delay on a square arpeggio. However, one could have joined those two square arpeggio channels into one, as one play in succession when the other is fully silent. The portamento on the main tune is nicely used in order to use latter part of its sample.
Development (9/10)
All frequencies are covered at all times. Strings and Bass stay in place, the main tune can sometimes be a little high pitched for the ears, but it doesn't stay this way for long, as the second part makes it shift down one octave and another instrument gets raised of one octave, with a nice drum transition. Every instrument count, as trying to mute any channel in the song result in a very noticeable lack.
Creativity (8/10)
I was surprised to discover that there are 2 drums channels, one that is chiptune-like and one that is normal. Both sound okay-ish on they own, but use them both in the same time, and you have a wonderful result !
The main tune sample is re-used in another channel for added background with the arpeggio effect, and it is a nice touch to have an additionnal use of it's inherent phaser effect.
Enjoyment (9/10)
If only it lasted longer !! The intro gives the listener a nice sense of "ready , set ...". The nicest part is when the main tune and the square arpeggios switched their octave level, as if the latter instrument stole the spotlight for a moment.
Fairy Crusaders - galgox-fairy_crusaders.xm
Review Score: 8/10
Overall Impression (9/10)
I love this track for its frequency coverage, instrument spotlight shifting, and combined drums.
I also keep coming back just to hear that second part.
The harmony doesn't seek the originality, it stays on a simple line, and makes itself as good as it can while on it. Works for me.