Roz: Hello again... not much of anything I do is here on the modarchive yet. Some music from before I had really learned anything and that's it. BUT- I've spent this year and last piling music out of me into a YouTube channel. Wouldn't one guess, it's all tracker music!
I hope you never lose this account because I don't have any other way to contact you and on top of that if something ever happens I don't want to have you disappear and I never get to speak with you again!
Take a look at OpenMPT for me and see what you think about it, it's what I've been up to for the time. I learned a lot from a friend I had made in search of knowledge and built from there on! I'll show you what I've done if you want, just ask me cuz I don't really remember what the rules are for links to stuff
Re: Well it depends on what kind of music you want to create. To be honest Modplug is not really the best for the band style music I wanted to make but it was all that was available at the time and I kind of liked the challenge to see if I could make it work. Modplug in the main I think was really made to create chip tunes or game music. I have been away from the scene for a while now but I'm sure there is much better software out there that would do a better job for band style music or even those porta sound multi-tracker machines which used to be analogue in my day but I see they are now digital. To learn modplug I just downloaded other artist's mods and looked at what they did and just picked it up from there which I think is how most started. Better still get some band mates and start a band as there is no greater experience than playing live - Which ever route you take I wish you success and most of all enjoy yourself as it is later than you think!!!! Cheers.