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Title: cannon fodder Filename: CANNONFO.MOD |
Posted Mon 1st May 2023
Rated 10 / 10 |
This mod is awesome. But to be fair, it's awesome because it's coming from a fond time and place, when playing Cannon Fodder in my youth. Having no prior bias may render the score differently, as the user Ahlin gives an example of. And that's just Sensible. |
Title: crystalintro Filename: crystalintro.mod |
Posted Tue 21st Feb 2023
Rated 10 / 10 |
Used to listen to this cracktro for hours on end. Booted up Moonstone just to enjoy the cracktro music. It's sort of a childhood soundtrack. |
Title: pinball2-table4
Filename: table4.mod
Rated 9 / 10