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JJ van Zon's Profile


  • i No comments
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  • i 423 profile views since 27th Mar 2024
  • i Last seen: 5th Jun 2024

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  • i Modules in Archive: 1
  • i Overall Member Rating: 0 (from 0 comments).
  • i Overall Reviewer Rating: 0 (from 0 reviews).
  • i Total Downloads: 95
  • i Stats Updated: 2024-10-08 05:15:51
  • information icon Modarchive ID: 96259
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Did a lot of tracker music in the 90's. Bad ones and better ones. Kept it sort of private back then, in internet-free times. Might upload some of it here in the future.

I am a former software developer with autism. I also played classical piano from time to time. The creativity spawned by tracker software and other programs, inspired me to learn how to code, and try to make my own music software. That later led me to become a professional software programmer.

Hoping to pick up some projects again in the future. But things are a bit on hold for now.

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