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Zero X. Diamond's Comments

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Title: Crossed_Ends By And
Filename: crossed_ends_by_and.mod
Posted Fri 21st Jun 2024
Rated 7 / 10
Yet another of a myriad of modules that are covers of existing songs which you'd never guess from the filename, "Crossed_Ends By And" is an upbeat sort of dancey cover of the theme from "The Muppet Show". Not much to say beyond that it has good samples, a good beat, and is overall a fun cover.

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Title: Just Married!
Filename: justmarr.mod
Posted Fri 21st Jun 2024
Rated 8 / 10
Composed by Jogeir Liljedahl in 1993, "Just Married" is a cover of the title theme from one of the home versions of the "Robocop" video game. I forget which version had it exactly, but it's the same one that was famously remixed and used by CBoyardee in one of his "Dilbert" cartoons.

It's a pretty solid cover that takes a few creative liberties, ending in its final quarter or so with some sort of "spacey" chords and arpeggios. Good samples, good composition. Overall recommend a listen!

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Title: bobby
Filename: bobby.mod
Posted Fri 21st Jun 2024
Rated 8 / 10
bobby.mod, apparently by an artist calling themselves "rogue male" as evidenced by a duplicate in the archive under that name, is an incredibly unique musical experience. It's hard to draw any real comparisons to other works because it simply doesn't really match up to anything else I can think of. Perhaps the closest comparison I can make is the boss theme from "Plok!" as composed by Tim Follin.

It's a track with a loud, heavy bassline and drums that seem to be designed to oppress you. There are strange vocal sounds used as a sort of melody, and a burst of insane laughter that is used to great effect. All in all, this is a song that feels like a madman is pinning you down and trying to kill you, and I mean this in the best possible way.

Admittedly, it's not going to be for everyone, but as a lover of the avant garde and the absurd, I absolutely love bobby.