The Hero Within (
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 1st Sep 2013
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The Hero Within by Bacter and Saga Musix a track for the one sample music compo at Evoke 2013 (5th place) One sample and lots of filter goodness. / CC-BY-NC-SA Saga Musix sends greetings to everyone he met at Evoke and Demodays 2013: 2b, abductee, Alpha C, arvenius, Bugger, CME, d0dge, dfox, draugven, eye, gasman, Gita, Halcy, Hopper, jco, jix, Kabuto, kb, KeyJ, Knoeki, las, Lia, Lycan, m0d, madame, manx, mbb, MedO, Metheara, Mithaldu, mog, moqui, Nebulah, Netpoet, Nightmare, nnorm, Novel, oerg866, OhLi, okkie, Payne, pro, Punqtured, Raven, RbR, Rene, ryx, Silverlance, Skyrunner, styx, SunSpire, T$, The Compiler, Topy44, Truck, Unlock, urs, v3nom, Widdy, Wiklund, xtrium, Ziphoid and everyone I forgot.
acid bass accent acid bass fake bass drum pad Sample & Hold lead lead Sample & Hold gated bass onesamplecompo
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Excellent Chiptune. The reason why it's so small and does not have a lot of MPT Hacks, is that it plays in OpenMPT 1.23, XMPlay 3.8, Schism Tracker build 2012-01-05, and BeroTracker the accurate way. Because this song uses filters, it would work fine with these four players. Anyways, Excellent chiptune, and I will always look forward for more great tunes from you two!