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Mindful Journey (bacter_vs_saga_musix_-_mindful_journey.it)

Info Summary

  • bacter_vs_saga_musix_-_mindful_journey.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 10.16MB in size and has been downloaded 2141 times since Mon 11th Jul 2016 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 178800
  • Downloads: 2141
  • Favourited: 5 times
  • MD5: ceb4297fe21d8d711bb891c8f227be23
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 21
  • Uncompressed Size: 10.16MB
  • Genre: Pop - Synth

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (9 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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comments Artist's Comments

artist An upbeat synthpop track with Amiga-ish vibes which ranked 4th in the tracked music compo at Nordlicht 2016.

Compressed stereo samples are used. Most players which do not support such samples will play other parts of the track hilariously wrong anyway. If most samples are empty or mono, your player does not like compressed stereo samples. - Saga Musix

Comments Your Comments

member Posted by govatsapadam on Tue 7th Jan 2020, rated 9 / 10.

This makes for pleasant listening. High production quality. The drums are awesome, and so are the chords. The tune, with its guitar-like leads (plus another synth-flute like lead), is very smooth and sweet, consisting of a few parts nicely connected with cool transitions and effects going on which keeps you in suspense throughout the work. Dynamic.

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Info Internal Texts *

Mindful Journey
CC-BY-NC-SA 2016 by bacter and Saga Musix

bacter & Saga Musix entering the tracked music compo _ Nordlicht 2016.
Ranked 4th place.
This is the final version with higher quality samples and some bugfixes.
Samples 1 to 5 from "i hate marshmallows" module by deejay.

Use OpenMPT 1.26 or newer or XMPlay to play this module.
Compressed stereo samples are used. Most players which do not support such
samples will play other parts of the track hilariously wrong anyway.
If most samples are empty or mono, your player does not like compressed
stereo samples.

Saga sends greetings go to everyone at the party place, in particular:
arvenius, bitbreaker, Bitch, Bombe, cyraxx, Dascon,  dojoe,   eha,   fizzer,
FRaNKy, halcy, havoc, kaomau, KeyJ, lambdacore, LJ, losso,   Louigi  Verona,
mbb, MedO, metheara, Nodepond, OhLi, Ramses,  RbR,   Rene,   [shd],   skomp,
SlapY, SunSpire, T$, TMA, Triace, v3nom, Vickey, Virgill, Widdy,  xTr1m  and
everyone I forgot.

Final version

#by Hypnosis'91
#Rip by Asle
CD-A 069 Kawai Mix 1
Kick up da Bass
Tone Wh.Sholo
PR-C-072-JP-8Haunting Sam
PR-E-094-Deja-Vlute Sampl
Ambient EFX Perc
Chinese Cymbal
Radio FX
JayB-030-Ld ArtemCho
Reverb Snare
The Necessary Cowbell
Render To Sample
Render To Sample
Render To Sample
Render To Sample
Render To Sample
Kawai Mix 1 036.flac
Kawai Mix 1 042.flac
Kawai Mix 1 048.flac
Kawai Mix 1 054.flac
Kawai Mix 1 060.flac
Kawai Mix 1 066.flac
Kawai Mix 1 072.flac
Kick up da Bass
A49 UnivDrKit Crash
XV-Pop-Kit 028
XV-Pop-Kit 045
Tone Wh.Solo
XV-Pop-Kit 049
RockYurSocks 066.flac
RockYurSocks 072.flac
RockYurSocks 078.flac
JP-8Haunting 067.flac
JP-8Haunting 072.flac
JP-8Haunting 079.flac
ArtemChord 066.flac
ArtemChord 072.flac
ArtemChord 078.flac
Deja-Vlute 067.flac
Deja-Vlute 072.flac
Deja-Vlute 079.flac
Deja-Vlute 084.flac
70 A#5 - Shaker
Ambient EFX Perc
Ambient EFX Perc
Cymbal-Menu 039
Radio FX
TD-20 Snare 036

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
