Dancing Frogs (bacter_vs_saga_musix_-_dancing_frogs.it)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 31st Oct 2016
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Dancing Frogs (Final Version) CC-BY-NC-SA 2016 by bacter and Saga Musix https://soundcloud.com/bacter http://sagamusix.de/ An early draft of this track won a one hour compo at #modulez. This is the final version of the track, which ranked second in the combined tracked music competition at Deadline 2016. Use OpenMPT 1.26 or newer or XMPlay to play this module. Greetings to everyone at the partyplace: arvenius, bitbreaker, Bitch, Bombe, cyraxx, Dascon, dojoe, eha, fizzer, AceMan, Andy, Barto, benJam, Charlie, CME, cupe, cyraxx, dfox, fashion, Gaspode, hypo, insane, KeyJ, Laddie, LJ, losso, Louigi Verona, Luisa, madame, metheara, mog, moqui, mouldyCat, Nodepond, OhLi, Oni, Picard, rimina, Santa, T$, ted, Topy44, utz, v3nom, Vickey, Y0Gi, Yago and everyone I forgot.
CD-A-020-Enya Voices 072. wave6 Ether Bells Thick Pick Frogs JayB-070-En Heavenly JayB-029-Ld Air Azul SlowStartup BeatLoop_120bpm034_8BitBe Tom Hard Kick Closed Hat Ride Crack Clap Clap Hi Crash Shaker SNARE3 ESn_Region_077 JayB-029-Ld Air Azul Echo ESn_Region_077 Rev Noise Up Space Tom Reverse Crash Belltree Sub FM Bass Cowbell Chinese Cymbal PR-D-021-Prefab-Chime Sam CD-A-020-Enya Voices 072. yama-sy1_6 Ether Bells RAM2-36 Thick Pick RAM2-36 Thick Pick RAM2-36 Thick Pick ROM9-6 Digizip Twists ROM9-6 Digizip Twists SlowStartup (Card 4) BeatLoop_120bpm034_8BitBe Tom DueWest 1 R8Kick22 XE8 Hat Closed int_5 XE8 Ride int_14 XE8 Crack int_16 TR-808Clap01 Akai_MPC1000_054 Akai_MPC1000_080 SNARE3 ESn_Region_077 Air Azul 060.flac Air Azul 066.flac Air Azul 072.flac Air Azul 078.flac Heavenly 054.flac Heavenly 060.flac Heavenly 066.flac Heavenly 072.flac ESn_Region_077 JB_Noize_06 Space Tom JB_FXCrash_07 Belltree.WAV Sub FM COWBELL Cymbal-Menu 039 Prefab-Chime 048.flac Prefab-Chime 060.flac Prefab-Chime 072.flac
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