Grey Matter (
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____________________________________________________________________ | | | Saga Musix presents: Grey Matter (1:30, looped) | |____________________________________________________________________| At Nordlicht 2019, the high-end demo competition was in danger as there was only one entry. This started the life of two compo-filler entries, and one of them is by my demo group SVatG. halcy decided to put some unused effects he had lying around together and add a scroller, and asked me for some suitable music. As it was just a few hours before the compo was supposed to happen, I dug into my One Hour Compo archive and found a suitable dark Drum & Bass track from 2012. The length was just perfect to cover the two demo effects, and all I had to do was replace some samples to increase the fidelity of the track. In the end, our compofiller ranked 3rd... out of three. :-) But it was a lot of fun to make. Be the judge: -Saga Musix, 26th of July 2019 ___________________________________________________________________________ Greeting fly out to everyone at Nordlicht 2019, in particular: bitbreaker, bodo, Bombe, CONS, cyraxx, dojoe, fiver2, Gasman, Gizmo, greg, halcy, Harekiet, Harvey, Henne, Jasmin68k, kaomau, kb, LiSU, losso, Luisa, Medo, messy, moqui, nodepond, OhLi, Oni, PoroCYon, Ramses, RbR, Rene, Roly, Ronny, Schnecke, Sentcool, Shawn, SunSpire, titus, TMA, Topy, TS, tverrbjelke, Virgill, wayfinder, wysiwtf, xq, xTr1m, yago, _Ook and everyone I forgot. ___________________________________________________________________________ This work is (c) 2019 by Saga Musix and bacter and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. Track information: - Originally made for a One Hour Compo on 24th of June 2012 (3rd out of 6) - Touched up on the 20th of July 2019 for the demo "Ü" by SVatG. Please use OpenMPT 1.28+ to play this track. ___________________________________________________________________________ You can contact me via e-mail at If you want to chat with me... - Jabber: (preferred) - ICQ: 324324485 - EsperNet: #modarchive, #modplug, #mod_shrine, #modulez (Nick = Saga_Musix or Saga) - IRCNet: #deadline, #demozoo, #evoke, #revision, #nordlicht (Nick = Saga_Musix) Feel free to visit my websites as well: - - Here you can download all my music, free samples and other stuff. (German and English) - - Website featuring my (mostly German-only) free games and applications and other stuff. - - Home of Open ModPlug Tracker :) Take care!
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