Synth Kings of Evoke (
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Synth Kings of Evoke CC-BY-NC-SA 2022 by bacter & Saga Musix This won the tracked music "Kings of Evoke" remix compo at Evoke 2022. This is a remix of Kings of Evoke by Reed/Fairlight. Original track: At attempt at making synthwave with this very restricted sample set. Do you think we managed to succeed? Saga Musix seends greetz to everyone I've met at Evoke, in particular: Aceman, Alkama, Andy, anmaja, Arrbyte, Barto, Blueberry, bundy, chaos, d0dge, darya, dipswitch, dojoe, Flopine, FRaNKy, Gasman, Gaspode, gopher, havoc, HellMood, Henne, jco, jeenio, juvi, kb, KeyJ, Laddie, Lambdacore, Leia, LJ, LMan, Losso, lug00ber, Luisa, Lynn, madame, MadenMann, mayor, MissCtrl, mrvux, NebulaH, NinjaKoala, novel, NR4, OhLi, Okkie, Oni, pixture, PotcFdk, Prince, ps, psykon, Raven, reenigne, Santa, sensenstahl, Shana, slerpy, spiked-maniac, T$, ted, The-Compiler, TMA, Triace, Trixter, VileR, xq, xTr1m, xxx, Y0Gi, Zavie, _Ook and everyone I forgot! 13th of August 2022
wow kick + cowbell hat brass clap bass guitar chord major guitar chord minor strings clap wow loud wow noise fx
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