256 Hz (saga_musix_-_256_hz.it)
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____________________________________________________________________ | | | Saga Musix presents: 256 Hz (2:05) | |____________________________________________________________________| This is the soundtrack to SVatG's Nintendo 3Ds demo "Hotel Nordlicht", released at Nordlicht 2022. It started its life as a #modulez One Hour Compo entry in 2015. The track was extended and rearranged to fit the various rooms shown in the demo, and some stereo / surround effects were removed to improve compatibility with mono playback. There's still some stereo effects for you to enjoy in this module file, though. -Saga Musix, 19th of September 2022 ___________________________________________________________________________ Greetings fly out to all the fine people I had a chance to talk to at Nordlicht 2022, in particular: Bitbreaker, darya, FRaNKy, Gasman, halcy, Harekiet, Henne, insane, kb, korshun, Losso, Medo, messy, moqui, MRC, OhLi, Ramses, Rene, Rho, RPLKTR, scamp, SiR, SunSpire, T$, Titus, TMA, Topy, Virgill, _Ook and everyone I forgot! ___________________________________________________________________________ This work is (c) 2022 by Saga Musix and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. Track information: - Based on a #modulez One Hour Compo entry from 2015-04-18 (ranked 3rd) - Finished on 2022-09-16 for the Hotel Nordlicht demo by SVatG Please use OpenMPT 1.30+ to play this track. ___________________________________________________________________________ You can contact me via e-mail at info_sagamusix.de. If you want to chat with me... - Jabber: sagamusix_s3m.it (preferred) - ICQ: 324324485 - EsperNet: #modarchive, #modplug, #mod_shrine, #modulez (Nick = Saga_Musix or Saga) - IRCNet: #deadline, #demozoo, #evoke, #revision, #nordlicht (Nick = Saga_Musix) Feel free to visit my websites as well: - https://sagamusix.de/ - Here you can download all my music, free samples and other stuff. (German and English) - https://sagagames.de/ - Website featuring my (mostly German-only) free games and applications and other stuff. - https://openmpt.org/ - Home of Open ModPlug Tracker :) ___________________________________________________________________________ Sample credits: The sources of the samples provided for the One Hour Compo are unknown, sorry. The cowbell sample is from the kb6 drum samples collection. Take care!
Airy Strings Hard Strings Bass Beep DX Bass Low Stack Sowidu Pad Rez Pad L ALUMINUM Analog Synth kik024-Stab-36.wav Clsd Hihat 1.wav Opn Hihat 3.wav Crash-01.wav Akai_MPC1000_017.wav Claps L Hard Strings Clsd Hihat 1.wav Opn Hihat 3.wav Claps L Stack ALUMINUM - Cowbell Light Sample CD Airy Strings Hard Strings Bass Beep DX Bass Low Stack Sowidu Pad Rez Pad L ALUMINUM Analog Synth kik024-Stab-36.wav Clsd Hihat 1.wav Opn Hihat 3.wav Crash-01.wav Akai_MPC1000_017.wav Claps L - Cowbell Light Sample CD
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