Tunnel Vision [tqc] (fuzion_mixer_-_tunnel_vision.it)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 9th Apr 2024
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the quanta congregation presents ________ ____ ____ ____________ ________ ____ ____ ____________ < Tunnel Vision > ________ ____ ____ ____________ by ________ ____ ____ ____________ < fuzion_mixer > ____ [tqc001] ____ ________ ____________________________ Song Details (DD/MM/YY) ________ ____________________________ Started on : 02/04/24 ____ ____ Finished on : 09/04/24 ____ ____ ________ ____ ____________________ Duration : 6m 26s ________ ____ ____________________ Style : Goa-trance ________ ____ ____ ____ Channels : 25 ________ ____ ____ ____ MPT Hacks : - ________ ____ License : CC-BY ________ ____ ________ ____________ For native playback, use OpenMPT ________ ____________ ________ ____ ________ ____ Story : This is my first release after a months-long creative block. I've been meaning to apply some new techniques I came up with for my tracker productions. Thus, you might notice that this module made much use of instrument properties and effect manipulation instead of relying on samples with baked FXs. Hope you enjoy! Greets to : m0d (Rest well o7 ) LooPeR231 (SSSAAATTTAAA AAANNNDDDAAAGGGIII =D ) TMA Crew Lunari (Oi, get tracking will ya? Heheh ) Uberphawx (Great work on that album release :) ) MAZ (Most of the samples used are from the ) ("no.1 instruments" CD, so big ups to him! ) The Noodlers acheney (Hey, good luck managing the YouTube ) Logickin (channel! ) All those forgotten Smp Symbols : v - Downsampled < - Reversed * - Truncated / Edited ! - Mono
CHOIRVOX.WAV kick 002 2FASST_2.WAV CRASH1.WAV < CRASH1.WAV OPEN1.WAV CRISISC1.WAV BROWNHIT.WAV SLOWDEEP.WAV FROSTED.WAV PASSBY_1.WAV MACHINE4.WAV hypersnare [axs] QS6SYN_2.WAV saw CRISISC1.WAV PHAZYN.WAV RIDE1.WAV sine m3.simsynth.thwop zap 1 [rip] TR909 Snare Drum v* random monologue1 random monologue2 random monologue3 CHOIRVOX.WAV kick 002 2FASST_2.WAV CRASH1.WAV < CRASH1.WAV OPEN1.WAV CRISISC1.WAV BROWNHIT.WAV SLOWDEEP.WAV FROSTED.WAV PASSBY_1.WAV MACHINE4.WAV hypersnare [axs] QS6SYN_2.WAV saw sine PHAZYN.WAV RIDE1.WAV m3.simsynth.thwop zap 1 [rip] TR909 Snare Drum v* random monologue1 random monologue2 random monologue3
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This is the perfect example of a final boss: intimidating start, that transitions to an action packed madness, with a break in-between to regain your composure and power just to strike again :p