Minimal And Dizzy (
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___ __ __ __ _ _ ___ __ __ /__ /__/ /__ /__/ / |/ / / / /__ / \ \/ / ______/ / / /__/ / / / / /__/ ___/ / /_/\_\ presents... Minimal And Dizzy ================= Well, here is it, my first house tune. I should better say 'minimal house' ... :-) It really roxx! Everything began when I ripped some sounds from X-Com: Apocalpyse. There, I found this cool spacy sound where I took the last part... voila: the sample nr. 1 was born! Then I added drums in the classic house way. First, it should become a 'normal' house tune, but no 'normal' sample fitted into this sound scheme. So it turned into a minimal track... ATTENTION! If you play this song through WinAmp, please use the BASS plugin: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\///////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (c) 2006 by Saga Musix Song Lenght: 5 min 0 sec Visit my homepage: If the link doesn't work, try this one: mailto: ICQ: 324-324-485 Project start: 4 April 2006 Last Edit: 21 April 2006 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\///////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ From where are all those samples?! (Or: Credits Stuff) /All samples are from my own Yamaha CS1x with the following exceptions: Sample 1 is chipped from a sound of the game 'X-COM: Apocalypse' Sample 15 is recorded from P5_FAWK.IT Sample 18 is self-made Samples 19 to 21 are from the MonsterSound sample collection. -Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í Í-Have a nice day!Í- -Í-Í-Í-ÍJojo-Í-Í-Í-Í
Cool House Chord Bass Drum Hand Clap Closed Hi-Hat Open Hi-Hat Electric Crash (Extremely Electric Crash 2 Electric Crash 3 Strings Electric Percussion Electric Percussion Snare Fish 303 8o8 Open HH Ride Cymbal 8o8 Drumline Pulsebass Cool House Chord Square Electro Effect Drumline Snare Square Sweep X-Com: Apocalypse Electric Drums - Hard BD Clap-e Hall Hi-Hat techno Hi-Hat techno Electric Crash (Extralong) Filta Fe Electric Percussion Electric Percussion TechnoSnares Fish 303 (Preset 55) 8o8 hihats Ride Cymbal Mod P5_FAWK PulsBass53-Mod untitled Real Square 1EX00089 2DL6081 Snare
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