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Title: Popcorn Mix 2005
Filename: popcorn_2005.xm
Posted Sun 27th Jan 2008
Rated 8 / 10
A well done trance version of the immortal popcorn. The main melody is there of course, but it has been made into a very hardcore version. There's plenty of great buildups and breakdowns in this song; it sounds pretty much exactly like it should.

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Title: Sandstorm -remix(2nd)
Filename: spc-snd.it
Posted Thu 20th Dec 2007
Rated 5 / 10
Well it is definitely sandstorm, but it doesn't add or change very much from the original. Good job transcribing the song but really this isn't anything too special. As a stand alone song without knowing the original I guess this would sound better

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Title: The Power of Goodbye
Filename: goodbye.xm
Posted Thu 20th Dec 2007
Rated 9 / 10
Well I've never listened to this Madonna song but this remix is really good. It has a nice slow piano led intro then a real drawn out transition to the main tune. Great use of panning on the basses and percussion too.

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Title: Dark Encounters
Filename: darkenc.xm
Posted Thu 20th Dec 2007
Rated 8 / 10
Another cool synthpop tune from these guys. Starting off with the LizardKing basses (as usual) they make a real cool bass line. Then theres the real memorable synth lead and counter melody making an awesome song.

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Title: When heaven calls
Filename: elecheav.xm
Posted Thu 20th Dec 2007
Rated 7 / 10
Heh, this is a fun, quite melodic rock song. Apparently thats what poodle-rock is. It's a bit short though.

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Title: Believe together
Filename: believe_together.xm
Posted Sun 18th Nov 2007
Rated 8 / 10
Another cool piano trance song by Aberration, this one though has a really awesome background bass. Also the voice samples sound pretty cool.

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Title: without soul
Filename: 06_11_97.xm
Posted Fri 26th Oct 2007
Rated 6 / 10
Hmmm this song is tracked pretty well and has some cool counter parts and some nice drum transitions. It lasts too long though and seems awful repetitive even when its got a different 'melody' going. There's really no main melody. Still its a decent listen though

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Title: Area 51
Filename: 03a51.xm
Posted Fri 26th Oct 2007
Rated 6 / 10
Well this song is well made and has an interesting fusion synth sound and acoustic samples, and it's mixed pretty good, but I still don't like it.

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Title: The only
Filename: only.xm
Posted Thu 25th Oct 2007
Rated 9 / 10
This a very cool, somewhat ambient but still melodic tune. The main sweeping background is done by a cool use of multiple samples. Also there's some neat "Lemonride" speech samples, some used some not. This song has a definite mood to it, but I don't know what to call it. The song is punctuated by some really cool scream effect samples that seem to make it a bit scary. Definitely a good experiment!

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Title: Gerudo Fortress -SV
Filename: sv_gerudovalley.it
Posted Sun 21st Oct 2007
Rated 8 / 10
Ahhh yes the gerudo valley from Ocarina of time, a very cool area with a cool sound, and Slammy pulls the remix off quite remarkably. The cool swingy guitar is particularly awesome. It keeps getting better towards the end, I wish it lasted longer!

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Title: Above the clouds 2
Filename: above_the_clouds.xm
Posted Sun 21st Oct 2007
Rated 8 / 10
Well I heard this before I heard the original but this is a real techno cool song with a catchy piano melody and some interesting sweeping backgrounds. The piano though is really awesome and whenever I hear it it gets stuck in my head, in a good way!

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Title: aryx
Filename: aryx.s3m
Posted Wed 10th Oct 2007
Rated 9 / 10
Wow! every time I listen to this song I get a smile cus it's so fast and has so much techno awesomeness. K. Koch did some crazy tracking to make this one, and it's so cool I learnt to play it on guitar!

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Title: Dead lock
Posted Mon 8th Oct 2007
Rated 10 / 10
This is pretty much the greatest extend mod ever! It should be the fast tracker anthem it's amazing! The catchy melodies, the insane effects flying all over the place, this song just gets in your head. It's a testament to Elwood's skill that he wrote this when he was 16! Just go listen now.

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Title: squired
Filename: squired.xm
Posted Wed 26th Sep 2007
Rated 8 / 10
Heh this one is pretty cool. It's sounds kind of like a chiptune rap at some points. Its got a good beat and happy sound to it and the voice samples are really fun. Near the end it gets repetitive though and then just cuts off which is kind of bad. Also some of the transitions aren't great but some are. Really good listen though.

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Title: hymn to aurora
Filename: hymn_to_aurora.mod
Posted Wed 26th Sep 2007
Rated 6 / 10
So the most downloaded mod eh.... Well it's okay but not amazing. There was one cool horn part later on but there was also that bad drum part too. It's like one big flute solo. Kind of dissapointing.

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Title: Flying
Filename: snu_-_flying.it
Posted Sat 25th Aug 2007
Rated 7 / 10
well, I liked this tune it made me think of flying too because it reminded me of raptor. The middle parts were kind of heavy on the treble but overall this was a nice one to listen to.

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Title: Lady with a gun
Filename: ladyg.xm
Posted Fri 24th Aug 2007
Rated 5 / 10
The intro bass and drums in this song sound good, but the main melody is kind of boring and doesn't fit too well. Lots of vibrato and tone portamento in the melody but they don't make it sound any better. The ending was pretty good.

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Title: trance.xm
Filename: trance.xm
Posted Tue 24th Jul 2007
Rated 7 / 10
First off, this song's genre is definitely not "crap". It's genre is Trance, as expected. The trance starts off with some cool drums and then builds up into a bunch of different trancy melodies. There is a wide variety of melodies with all the kinds of things you would expect, but they are well done. This song though is kind of thin sometimes and the emphasis was put on using more samples rather than using effects to achieve different sounds. If more channels were used at once the thinness would probably go away. All the instruments sound very rave/trancelike and fit well together.Still the end product sounds pretty good. Speking of the end, instead of an expected drum breakdown, it ends with an interesting slow down, which is nice

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Title: 00Enjoy
Filename: 00enjoy.mod
Posted Thu 19th Jul 2007
Rated 7 / 10
this mod has only 3 patterns, but i didn't notice for a whole minute! it is really upbeat has two very cool "doo" samples

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Title: calling 4 dx?!
Filename: musix-calling-for-dx.mod
Posted Thu 19th Jul 2007
Rated 5 / 10
this one starts out with a kind of annoying piano but that goes away quickly and leads into a cool baseline. the drum transitions in this song are really cool but the piano sample just bothers me whenever its around. also theres a bell loop that goes on for too long, but the drum transitions were really memorable

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Title: 2bornot
Filename: 2bornot.mod
Posted Thu 19th Jul 2007
Rated 2 / 10
Well this song is only two patterns long and lasts about 10 seconds. it has a good early 90s mod sound, but it ends right away! good but waaayyy too short

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Title: Walking in Memphis
Filename: zeta_wal.xm
Posted Thu 21st Jun 2007
Rated 7 / 10
This is a upbeat little remix of the Marc Cohen song, light on the effects but still a cool techno remix of the original song. Its a bit repetitive of the main melody but thats to be expected.

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Title: LoVE Me !
Filename: ace-love.it
Posted Mon 11th Jun 2007
Rated 10 / 10
Wow what an amazing song! This is the song that made me interested in trance. The buildup into the main melody is awesomely long, but then it doesn't quite last long enough. This song definitely made me love acecream and trance.