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8bitbubsy's Comments

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Title: unreeeal superhero 3
Filename: unreeeal_superhero_3.xm
Posted Fri 20th Dec 2024
Rated 10 / 10
An absolute classic, especially for those of you who got to know tracker music through keygens (yes, that includes me!).

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Title: phantasmagoria
Filename: phantasmagoria.mod
Posted Sat 22nd Oct 2011
Rated 9 / 10
Very original melody, and nothing too big to complain about. The melody is so original that in fact I had it on my mind for years and I wondered where it came from. The only small thing I can complain about is the lack of "a different part", even though most songs have one theme. This is one great tune, if you haven't heard it yet, go download it NOW!

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Title: part2_announce.mod
Filename: part2_announce.mod
Posted Sat 18th Jun 2011
Rated 9 / 10
An excellent and soothing track by Julius (was a member of Lemon.).
The only reason I don't give it a 10 is because it's somehow a quite repetitive tune even though it has got different parts.
Anyway, go download this one NOW!

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Title: The White Tiger
Filename: tiger.stm
Posted Mon 7th Feb 2011
Rated 10 / 10
I really love this tune, it's one of my favorites. The composition is extremely good, and the pick of ST-xx samples makes an outstanding charm. It sounds like a combination of rock and medieval music, all packed in only four channels! Close your eyes and imagine riding a white tiger in the middle ages. Sounds cheesy, right? Well, it isn't when you download this tune and listen to it. What more can I say... It's a shame the Unreal demo didn't play the whole tune before switching to another one.

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Title: phoenix
Filename: groo_-_phoenix.mod
Posted Fri 18th Jun 2010
Rated 10 / 10
What the duck..!
This is probably the best .MOD I've ever listened to. I can't explain, listen NOW!

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Title: Megamix
Filename: in_the_mix.xm
Posted Mon 22nd Mar 2010
Rated 10 / 10
Wow... This is a truely amazing trance mix! And it's 25 minutes long. I have to mention that the author didn't compose the songs, he remixed them. This is written in the comment section.

Superb work for using a rather limited module tracker format. The sound is very atmospheric and all the samples are high quality. Not to mention the progression and the technique used to create the good old trance feeling...
I can picture a sunset and the sea while listening to this, and get a very good feeling inside. I don't usually listen to trance, but atmospheric trance is never wrong.

The only thing that I find negative is that some parts in the end are rather chaotic and just plain weird.
Other than that, go download this now! You'll for sure get a nice feeling inside if you like atmospheric trance... This is class right here, I wonder why nobody commented it yet...

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Title: "Point of Departure"
Filename: pod.s3m
Posted Sun 21st Feb 2010
Rated 10 / 10
One of my favorite modules of all time. I always get a good feeling when I listen to this tune. Nice chords, good panning, excellent percussion, excellent everything!