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wardrich's Comments

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Title: clone it.
Filename: clone_it.xm
Posted Sat 30th Dec 2023
Rated 9 / 10
There's so much going on in this tune, but it delivers from beginning to end with a solid groove.

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Title: jakarta
Filename: jakarta.mod
Posted Tue 21st Feb 2023
Rated 9 / 10
If I remember correctly, this is the song that used to come packed with PogoShell - a nicely packaged OS of sorts for the GBA back in the day. It had a Mod player, Text file reader, and a few other cool tools under its hood. Jakarta was included as the sample mod file to play.

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Title: Broken Heart/TearsRunDown
Filename: tears.it
Posted Mon 6th May 2013
Rated 8 / 10
Man, I've been coming back to this track for probably almost 10 years now? One of the first mod-based tracks I ever heard, it holds a bit of a nostalgic feel for me. Love the vocal track on it, and the mood. It's a pretty mellow track.