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Gammis of Lemonride's Profile


Artist Statistics

  • i Modules in Archive: 348
  • i Overall Member Rating: 6.8 (from 48 comments).
  • i Overall Reviewer Rating: 8 (from 1 reviews).
  • i Total Downloads: 547290
  • i Stats Updated: 2025-02-09 05:02:46
  • information icon Modarchive ID: 69162

Gammis of Lemonride was spotlit on:

  • 28th April 2014
  • 8th January 2009
Profile Picture


Most songs here are not serious releases. They are onehourcompo-songs, tunes I made for different games, templates for real-played songs or just experiment.

I will never stop making music...serious, unserious, to God, to other people, to myself, instrumental, vocal, game music, film music, rock, metal, techno, classical, jazz, tracked stuff, real instrument recordings, songs I'll never record...bla bla bla...

Reach me at: axel.ovekrans@gmail.com (works now, 2011)

WARNING! some of these tunes are made with a old version of Skale, witch means that for example Modplug won't treat them right... work's in winamp/XMplay though...

My youtube channel:



Also, se these sites for more music from me...in a more "none-mod" fashion:

The newer songs is in .IT format
And b.t.w, I think you will find some of the genres set pretty amusing ;X
All hail the tracking generation!!! enjoy...

Gammis of Lemonride's messages

Last 10 messages:
From: EmuChicken
16:49 on 5th April 2016



Please get back to me! (contact me, same user at gmail face dot com... face!)

From: m0d
03:08 on 28th April 2014

Gosh, we used to have a lot of fun on IRC, you can still pop by as we're on esper.net (still). We're coming up on a 20th birthday of Modarchive (2016) and would be nice to have the old crew meet up again before then :)

You have a lot of links on your profile which you can turn into clickable ones using the BBCode (url=http://...)blah(/url) (change parenthesis for brackets).

From: eliris
18:25 on 5th September 2011

Moar chips like Logfiles of death!

From: Saga Musix
22:22 on 9th December 2009
Saga Musix

moar chips! :D :D :D

From: Gammis of Lemonride
21:37 on 26th August 2009
Gammis of Lemonride

Who feels like a chip would be needed?

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