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HyoChan's Profile


Artist Statistics

  • i Modules in Archive: 323
  • i Overall Member Rating: 8.3 (from 82 comments).
  • i Overall Reviewer Rating: 8.4 (from 1 reviews).
  • i Total Downloads: 431764
  • i Stats Updated: 2025-02-10 05:02:58
  • information icon Modarchive ID: 69169

HyoChan was spotlit on:

  • 25th July 2018
  • 31st July 2010
  • 15th July 2007
Profile Picture


YouTube Channel


Ont i gurkan (hyo-gurk.it)
Happy Pills (hyo-hapi.it)
Paranormal Peaches (hyo-parap.it)
Rivers (hyo-river.it)

HyoChan's messages

Last 10 messages:
From: ASIKWUSpulse
01:43 on 19th August 2018

Hej! Gillar hur dina låtar lyckas vara hyfsat unika från varandra, men att en chip-slinga är ett återkommande element. Har lyssnat på några av dem på youtube :) /ASIKWUSpulse, en av x antal kompositörer från Sverige

From: HyoChan To: Psirius
20:31 on 2nd August 2018

Psirius: Thanks for your comment Psirius.
Keep up the good work with your music. I will continue to enjoy it!

Re: Thanks to HyoChan for your comment! You have a lot of modules, don't stop! I downloaded some of them. you are a lot of people and a lot of modules to comment. (That's good). Little by little...

From: Psirius
13:48 on 2nd August 2018

Thanks to HyoChan for your comment! You have a lot of modules, don't stop! I downloaded some of them. you are a lot of people and a lot of modules to comment. (That's good). Little by little...

From: HyoChan To: Yomaru Kasuga
13:09 on 22nd April 2018

Yomaru Kasuga: Thank you for your kind comment!


From: HyoChan To: Dragonia Snowball
18:07 on 8th November 2010

Dragonia Snowball: Hey! Thank you for your comment! Nowadays I sadly don't compose any music, since I've got no inspiration. But maybe, sometime in the future I'll find motivation to finish some more tunes. Cheers :)

Re: Great music! Love to listen to "Snowflakes (2007)" when writing poetry. Keep up the good work!

From: Dragonia Snowball
17:23 on 29th October 2010
Dragonia Snowball

Great music! Love to listen to "Snowflakes (2007)" when writing poetry. Keep up the good work!

From: Cynmusic
11:00 on 30th December 2009

Fan vad kul med fler kompositörer från Sverige. Ska tanka ned ditt material nu. Spännande :) / Micke

From: Arne Puszelski
19:41 on 10th August 2009
Arne Puszelski

Hello HyoChan, great music on your side. I like your music feeling. Greetings from Germany!

From: m0d
19:40 on 13th March 2009

Hi Hyochan :D

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