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Timelord's Profile


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  • i 21273 profile views since 9th Jan 2002
  • i Last seen: 18th Jul 2013

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  • i Modules in Archive: 24
  • i Overall Member Rating: 8.3 (from 26 comments).
  • i Overall Reviewer Rating: 7.4 (from 1 reviews).
  • i Total Downloads: 157299
  • i Stats Updated: 2024-07-26 05:05:05
  • information icon Modarchive ID: 69647

Timelord was spotlit on:

  • 22nd April 2016
Profile Picture


Rob Gergely
contact: tl@vortex.org

Timelord's messages

Last 10 messages:
From: Capias To: Capias
06:21 on 14th August 2019

Capias: Another thing to note is if you look at some of the other mods he did around that time period (surreal, for example) which was only November of 1993, only 4 months after submitting eclipse and tranquility in July under LOGiC but by November, he was already working with ACiD as can be seen in the notes for surreal and nowhere after that, looking at his liner notes and dates were there any submissions under LOGiC because I had moved away, that was my group, and nobody tried to puruse it.. we all simply moved on with our lives and did other things. By 1995, I was out of touch with him... If I had to guess, This guy Rob Gergely is the real Timelord, as I recall him owning his own domain and calling it vortex.org. (like the song) so TL@Vortex.org (unknown if that still works or not) would be, at that time, what sounds right to me. I seem to recall vortex.org) but until I hear from my brother, and anyone else that was in the scene at the time that remembers, you will have to trust that I am an authority on this person, his material, where he and it came from, why some of it was made, and what this LOGiC group was all about that everyone wants to take credit for.... that never really even existed, other than the summer of 1993 and the host of 2 of Timelords Mods. Yep.. we had it first. :D Feels good to know people are no fighting over it. I wish I was still in touch with the guy so I could tell him.

Re: I just noticed there seems to be a discussion about who the real Timelord is. I can tell you that I know who the real one is, and I met him.. about 22 years ago when this was all new music on diskettes. Granted the samples were from Enigma and other such pre-recorded material, but he applied to our group, which I called LOGiC at the time, which has never been and never will be the same group that Timelord submitted music to. Anyone wants to debate, they can call me 575-405-0360. Prove to me you're the real Timelord. Only the real on can do it.

From: Capias To: Capias
06:11 on 14th August 2019

Capias: in other words, the logic that's mentioned in the notes of a couple of his tracks.. is ME. Actually, more my brother than me, as they were more friends and I was just the older brother.. but I made the name of the group, even got a DBA license in Houston to operate LOGiC Computer Clinic but that never took off either and I wound up moving away. LOGiC was MY thing, my dream, my attempt at stepping into the 'dark side' of bbs computing. So mr Kroger, better put a different tag on because that music wasn't for you and you ain't part of my group. GTFO. you got a problem with that? Call the number above and prove to me how you're the founder of MY group.

Re: I just noticed there seems to be a discussion about who the real Timelord is. I can tell you that I know who the real one is, and I met him.. about 22 years ago when this was all new music on diskettes. Granted the samples were from Enigma and other such pre-recorded material, but he applied to our group, which I called LOGiC at the time, which has never been and never will be the same group that Timelord submitted music to. Anyone wants to debate, they can call me 575-405-0360. Prove to me you're the real Timelord. Only the real on can do it.

From: Capias
06:07 on 14th August 2019

I just noticed there seems to be a discussion about who the real Timelord is. I can tell you that I know who the real one is, and I met him.. about 22 years ago when this was all new music on diskettes. Granted the samples were from Enigma and other such pre-recorded material, but he applied to our group, which I called LOGiC at the time, which has never been and never will be the same group that Timelord submitted music to. Anyone wants to debate, they can call me 575-405-0360. Prove to me you're the real Timelord. Only the real on can do it.

From: Capias To: sox_LOGiC_krogers
05:50 on 14th August 2019

sox_LOGiC_krogers: That is really odd, because I am the founder of LOGiC, (inc). I created the name, and I launched it with a walkthru of then-brand new release Blue Wave video game. Timelord was a user on our BBS, and as an application of sorts to be the sound designer for our group, he created, I believe, Vortex. There were two other selections submitted for 'LOGiC' however the group never took flight, and no other OFFICIAL releases were done by me, Timelord or Parasite/Soulstream (the sysop at the time) There are only 4 people that really know these details, and in the summer of 1993-1995, The Dark Realm, The Neutral Zone and Nocturnal Emissions were the three boards involved with these people with users like G-Man (whom I met personally a couple times, Timelord, again, whom I met personally and who gave me the diskette containing Transambience, Vortex and Eclipse mods, if memory serves me right. The files still bear the tag (a couple of them) where it proclaims the work to be of or for LOGiC, but anyone but me claiming ownership to that group is COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY FULL OF HORSE PUCKY. I am still in contact with 2 of the 4 people that originally caused these things to exist. I challenge anyone to prove to me that they are Timelord. I'm querying the other person right now as to what his name was.. his REAL NAME. News will be forthcoming.

Re: re: the controversy here https://sagamusix.de/other/timelord/ I am the founder of LOGiC and RobG is without a doubt the real Timelord, screw that Jared guy.

From: sox_LOGiC_krogers
13:22 on 26th March 2017

re: the controversy here https://sagamusix.de/other/timelord/

I am the founder of LOGiC and RobG is without a doubt the real Timelord, screw that Jared guy.

From: Headcase
16:34 on 31st October 2011

These are some of my favorite tunes and have been for quite a while. They'll always have a special place in my playlists.

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