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Artist Statistics
BLuRry is a native of Houston, Texas. He started writing mods on a 486sx with a PC speaker using ModEdit, shortly after being introduced to Amiga Mods by DeathJester (of MOD.INDUSTRY and MOD.ORASMOD fame). Thanks to the generous loan of a Soundblaster Pro from a friend (who is also sampled screaming in Out of Control), BLuRry was able to move up to 6, 8 then 16 channel formats (MTM, S3M, and XM/IT respectively). BLuRry kept releasing in mod-related formats up until 2000, when he graduated from UT-Austin and went out into the world and lost the freetime necessary to "get back into it".
The last big presence BLuRry had was in '97 when his homepage (Mods-n-stuff) received an average of 1000 hits/month. After the closure of his university account, the website went down with no forwarding address. A lot of the newer music was transitioned to But when the lights at went out, there was no permanent home for his music.
You'll likely find his music here, at Trax in Space, or on his homepage.
Inspiration: Electronic music (fav: Infected Mushroom), Video Games (especially old Apple // games like Tass Times in Tonetown and Ultima 5), Life in general.
The last big presence BLuRry had was in '97 when his homepage (Mods-n-stuff) received an average of 1000 hits/month. After the closure of his university account, the website went down with no forwarding address. A lot of the newer music was transitioned to But when the lights at went out, there was no permanent home for his music.
You'll likely find his music here, at Trax in Space, or on his homepage.
Inspiration: Electronic music (fav: Infected Mushroom), Video Games (especially old Apple // games like Tass Times in Tonetown and Ultima 5), Life in general.
BLuRry's messages
Last 10 messages:
Ectomorphia!!! |
P.S. you had a song, child majik? Do you still have that? would love to get it if you do... that was my favourite. |