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Psirius's Profile


Artist Statistics

  • i Modules in Archive: 166
  • i Overall Member Rating: 8.9 (from 82 comments).
  • i Overall Reviewer Rating: 10 (from 1 reviews).
  • i Total Downloads: 173541
  • i Stats Updated: 2025-02-16 05:15:19
  • information icon Modarchive ID: 91684

Psirius was spotlit on:

  • 5th March 2018
Profile Picture


Cyborg Name: Javier
Cyborg Creation Date: 05-01-1974 (Retro Date)
Integrated factory names: JPM, Psirius
Companies with which he collaborated: OZONE
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOjP5-OQ7Z46TETidxFtXZw

I was born in San Sebastián (Guipuzcoa), ((Spain)), and with 4 years we went to Béjar (Salamanca) to live, where I grew up my childhood and youth. I remember when I was 15 years old I was playing a few games at a friend's house with an amstram cpc, and although my family could never afford anything, as a gift we went to buy it. The vendor showed me the demo capability of an A500, and I automatically forgot about the Amstram forever (with all due respect) and there it all started, making some awful module to start with. Some time later on a vacation to Barcelona, ​​leafing through an Amiga World magazine, a boy approached me (Mat!) And explained all the information about partys and what was done because in Béjar, being a rather large town, it was that. , a town where these things were unknown. I was included in the group as one more musician and I went 3 years in a row to the Euskal Party (3, 4, 5 edition), and although I had more pain than glory as a musician, I had a great time ...

... I'm back! I moved to Gijón, and I can finally breathe...

Psirius's messages

Last 10 messages:
From: Psirius To: melcom
22:58 on 1st April 2022

melcom: Thanks Melcom! As I told you, we will continue with them, although I no longer have that time I had before. I also listen to some of your tracks, and they are very good. I like your style. Don't leave it! :)

Re: Hola, Psirius o/ I have heard your music many times and I think your tracks are really great! Keep up the good work. Regards, melcom

From: melcom
04:01 on 30th March 2022

Hola, Psirius o/
I have heard your music many times and I think your tracks are really great! Keep up the good work.


From: govatsapadam To: Psirius
14:09 on 19th May 2021

Psirius: ;) All right, greetings mate!

Re: Thank you! I'm sorry I didn't answer you before... I saw him at the time... but I forgot later completely... Give me a few pulls in my ears.... ;)

From: Psirius To: govatsapadam
10:50 on 18th May 2021

govatsapadam: Thank you! I'm sorry I didn't answer you before... I saw him at the time... but I forgot later completely... Give me a few pulls in my ears.... ;)

Re: Thanks for your nice music!

From: mpxvm
09:14 on 6th January 2021

Happy New Year Psirius! Fun fact, I did FUMIX 091 yesterday in few hours, it is actually based on FUMIX 010 but with new set of kicks, bass and FXs samples. The focus was at the beginning more on drums, I had use 3 kind of kicks on 5 different channels, arpeggio from channel 21 was a nice creative accident :D

From: govatsapadam
12:15 on 19th March 2020

Thanks for your nice music!

From: Iamaplayer33
14:13 on 14th March 2020

You have a series of a world of dreams songs on your profile, but a world of dreams 1 and 5 are not on your profile.

From: DrJacKo
18:04 on 26th December 2019

Ty for rating my song General Chaos 4! :D

From: TMC
11:34 on 6th August 2019

Hello Psirius. Thanks for your rating on my song "somewhere" and for your compliment about the melody of the song. I am sorry for not having achieved better. I didn't want to destroy the experience people have with my song. Your have a very good hearing which I lack.

From: Helguli
12:46 on 12th June 2019

Thanks for the rating. I've been listening to your tracks, I like them. :)

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