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Artist Statistics
W | hello, i am a weird teenager.
I | _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
N | bday, september 1st 2010
D | i compose, draw, and animate
currently, i'm limited on posting stuff
due to schoolwork and... highschool
but, i'll still try to make new stuff
for cooler stuff!
I | _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
N | bday, september 1st 2010
D | i compose, draw, and animate
currently, i'm limited on posting stuff
due to schoolwork and... highschool
but, i'll still try to make new stuff
for cooler stuff!
trashplox's messages
Last 10 messages:
been dead for a while now, |
Nice another Robloxian here, hope you use Big Jim samples as your user ID is only 15 away from 95264, can't wait to see what you make! |
Nice another Robloxian here, hope you use Big Jim samples as your user ID is only 15 away from 95264, can't wait to see what you make! |
Nice another Robloxian here, hope you use Big Jim samples as your user ID is only 15 away from 95264, can't wait to see what you make! |
hey guys i am trashplox from YT. its kind of my first time using milkytrack to make audio so most of them can be horrible so yeah! |