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Iamaplayer33's Messages

Last 50 Messages on Iamaplayer33's profile

From: Psirius
22:08 on 15th March 2020

Hello! I will try to get you out of doubts ... Part 1, corresponds to Nuku Nuku (I had this reflected, but in its modules it appears as 3), and part 5 is the same as the first, but an extended version by Cueder ( don't tell me why 5) ... The story was that I heard "A world of dreams (Nuku nuku / Cueder) at Euskal Party 3 and fell in love with it, I asked Nuku Nuku to continue with this project. On the subject of the parts I see that it has been a bit messy. It was simply not coinciding. Thank you for your interest. ;)

From: Psirius
13:40 on 18th May 2019

Hello! You proposal is not anything bad. I had planned to in the future make some version of some that stand out a little. I had not thought of that, but I will as you say and you liked it. I just hope that the creative activity down a bit. I don't promise you anything, but you pick up the message. Thank you for being there! ;))))